from History of Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts: Including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscot, and Nahanty byAlonzo Lewis, James Robinson Newhall, published by J.L. Shorey, 1865
The following is a copy of a letter sent to Governor Dudley,
by the Quakers of Lynn. Lynn, 22th 4th 1703.
we, the people called Quakers, of the town of Lynn, having
been requested by the governor to give in a list of our names -
in answer thereunto each person hath respectively signed by -
The signatures are
Richard Estes,
Samuel Collins,
William Bassett,
Walter Phillips,
Richard Oake,
Joseph Richards,
John Hood,
Samuel Breed,
Hugh Alley,
William Bassett,
John Bassett,
John Collins,
Jabez Jenkins,
Walter Phillips,.
Isaac Clark,
Samuel Collins, Jr.,
John Estes.