American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (orli) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.
Mary Richards Darling Shaw was born on October 16, 1675 in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts. Her parents were John Richards and Mary Brewer.
She married Benjamin Darling. Benjamin was the son of George Darling and Katharine Gridley of Salem and was born about 1672. The intentions were filed October 29, 1698 in Lynn. Benjamin's older brother, James Darling, testified against Mary Easty in her witchcraft trial.
Their children included:
Joseph Daring (about 1698),
Mary Darling (1699),
Benjamin Darling (about 1703),
David Darling (May 4, 1705, married Marcy Churchill and Ruth Sampson), and
Hopestill Darling (about 1710).
In 1715, she received £8 from her father’s will and sons Joseph, Benjamin, and David Darling each recieved a sheep from their grandfather.
Benjamin died on October 22, 1709 in Plympton (now Carver), Plymouth County, Massachusetts. He was buried in the Old Cemetery at Plympton Green opposite the Church.
After he died, Mary and her family moved back to Plympton, where she married Lieutenant Jonathan Shaw on November 16, 1715 in Plympton. Jonathan was born about 1663. He was the son of Jonathan Shaw and had been married before to Mehitable Pratt who was the daughter of Benejah Pratt and Persis Dunham.
Mary died on March 3, 1754 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. She was buried in Lakenham Cemetery, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.
Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts was first settled by English Puritans in 1629 and was first incorporated in 1631 as Saugus.
Historic Homes and Places and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs, Volume 4 edited by William Richard Cutter
Jonathan Shaw, son of Jonathan Shaw (2), born 1663; married first, 1687, Mehitable Pratt, who died in 1712; second, November 6, 1715. Mary Darling, who died a widow March 9, 1754, aged eighty.
1. Jonathan,
2. Phebe, born 1690; married Thomas Shurtleff.
3. Persis, born 1692; married Joseph Lucas.
4. Mehitable, born 1694; married Zachariah Weston.
5. James, born 1696.
6. Hannah, born 1699: married James Harlow.
7. Elizabeth, born 1701: married Lucas.
8. Priscilla, born 1702; married Bosworth,
9. Abigail, born, 170 ; married Lucas.
10. Samuel,
11. Rebecca, born 1718.
English colonists from Salem were the first settlers in Lynn.
from Historic Homes and Institutions by Ellery Bicknell Crane
George Darling, the immigrant ancestor . . . He settled in New England, first at Salem, then at Lynn and finally at Marblehead. He was a yeoman or farmer by occupation. He and his wife Kate were witnesses in the Hathorne case in 1657. His wife Katherine was the daughter of Richard Gridley, and Darling was mentioned in Gridley's will in 1674. His wife was a witness to the will of Robert Hawes in 1641. George Darling died at Salem and the inventory of his estate was dated September 13, 1693. His will was dated April 12. and proved October 9, 1693. It mentions his wife Katherine and the children as given below. . .
Children of George and Katherine Darling were: James [Darling], born 1680, married, May 16, 1683, at Marblehead, Hannah Maine;
John, born about 1652, married Elizabeth Muzzey, February 4, 1680; only son Thomas was ancestor of Framingham family;
Thomas, Benjamin [Darling],
Henry, married Joanna Mitchell, at Marblehead, 1697-98;
The Salem witch trials were between February, 1692 and May, 1693.