Theodore S. Morrison |
“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Theodore S. Morrison (Ted or Getzel) was born on January 27, 1877 in Klodawa, Poland. He was the son of Moishe Swentoslawski and Pearl Kolsky. He immigrated to the United States in 1895 or 1902. His nephew, Ray Morrison described a picture of Theodore when he came to the United States as looking like a Harvard freshman of that time. His brother, Simon said, “I don’t know where Theodore got to be so high class. We went to the same chreder." He married Anne R. Lowey (Showe, Lhowe) about 1907 in Illinois. Anne was born about 1885 in New York. Her parents were Joseph and Mary Showe. Isidor had wanted to marry Annie's sister, but Theodore discouraged him, saying "I'm already in that family and that's enough." Ted and Anne's children were: At the time of the 1910 census, Anne and Jerome were living with her parents in the Bronx. At the time of the 1920 census they were living in Chicago. The household consisted of Theodore age 40 who was employed in a furniture factory, Anne age 36, Jerome age 11, Lawrence age 9 and Theodore’s sister Rose who was 21. They were still living in Chicago when the 1930 census was taken. The household consisted of Theodore S. age 52, Anne R. age 46, Jerome P. age 21, Lawrence A. age 19, and Josephine G. age 7. Theodore was still involved in furniture manufacturing. According to his nephew, Ray Morrison, he was a successful businessman, but his wife always spent more than me made. He died on May 15, 1946 in Los Angeles, California.
©Roberta Tuller 2019