
An American Family History

Malcha Swentoslawski Morrison Winefield

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Malcha Swentoslawski Morrison Winefield (Mollie) was born about 1885 in Klodawa, Poland. She was the daughter of Moishe Swentoslawski and Pearl Kolsky.

She married Adolph Fruim Winefield about 1908 in Poland. Adolph was born on February 20, 1874 in Poland. Their children were Victor Winefield (1909) and Elvin (Alvin) Winefield (1918).

They immigrated to the United States in 1914. At the time of the 1920 census they were living in Chicago.  The household consisted of Adolph who was a partner in a neckware firm, Mollie age 34, Victor age 11, and Elvin age one and 5/12.

In 1930 they were still in Chicago.  The household consisted of Adolph age 53 who did not list an occupation, Mollie age 45 who was a manager in a tie manufacturing firm, Victor age 21 who was a tapestry salesman, and Elvin age 11.

Oral family history indicates that Alvin committed suicide during a courtmartial sometime during the war. He had procured women for his commanding officer. He grabbed a gun from the MP marching him to court and shot himself.  

Adolph died on September 16, 1934 in Chicago. Malcha was murdered by a tenant in 1935.  

Children of Moishe Swietoslawska and Pearl Kolsky
  • Mandel Miriam Swientoslawski
  • Dora Swientoslawski (Dorothy Morrison) Zagel
  • Getzel Swientoslawski (Theodore S. Morrison)
  • Simon Swientoslawski (Simon Sidney Morrison)
  • Malcha Swientoslawski (Mollie Morrison) Winefield
  • Isidore Swientoslawski Morrison
  • Esther Swientoslawski Morrison Fisher
  • Jacob (Jack, Jake) Swientoslawski Morrison
  • Rose Swientoslawski Morrison Rose
  • Elias Swientoslawski Morrison
  • Klodawa is just north of Lodz in the Posnan or Posen province. Before World War I, Poland was a province of the Russian empire. 

    The Winefields
    Victor, Alvin, and Molly
    Chicago, Illinois saw a major expansion in industry in the 1920s and prohibition led to the Gangster Era from 1919 until 1933. It was the nation's railroad center.


    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

    ©Roberta Tuller 2019
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