
An American Family History

Richard Land and Penelope Theobald

Charles County, Maryland
A society's legal system reveals much about it. A broad spectrum of behavior was considered criminal in Colonial Maryland and punishment was harsh.

Richard Land and Penelope Theobald married about 1687 in Charles County, Maryland.

Richard had been briefly married before to Mary Harris, the widow of Thomas Harris and already had two children.

Richard and Penelope's children were born at Piccowaxen.

Richard Land was born October 8, 1687. John Land was born January 12, 1689. Elizabeth (Eliza) Land Douglas was born April 4, 1691. Penelope Land was born in 1693. Susannah Land was born November 8, 1694.

Richard, Sr. died on March 22, 1695 when he was 35 years old.

Penelope died on October 29, 1701. In 1701 when Penelope Theobald Land died, she directed that her son, John, and daughter, Eliza, live with her son-in-law, Walter Story and that Penelope was to live with Joseph and Penelope Douglas.
Piccowaxen Creek is just south of Morgantown, Maryland. It has been spelled as Pickawaxon, Pickiawaxen, Pickwixon, Pyckywaxen and Pykawaxon in Douglas family documents.

The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.


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Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q

Land, Elizabeth, d/o Richard and Penelope Land of Pickawaxon, b. 4 Apr 1691
Land, John, s/o Richard and Penelope Land of Pickawaxon, b. 12 Jan 1689
Land, Richard, s/o Richard and Penelope Land of Pickawaxon, b. 8 Oct 1687
Land, Susanna, d/o Richard and Penelope Land of Pickawaxon, b. 8 Nov 1694

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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