
An American Family History

John Kimball

“Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

The use of the term ye to mean the derives from Early Modern English, in which the was written "þe," employing the Old English letter thorn: "þ."

Ye is also the plural of thou.

Essex County, Massachusetts was created on May 10, 1643 by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, when it ordered "that the whole plantation within this jurisdiction be divided into four sheires."
The town common (commons) was a small, open field at the center of the town which was jointly owned. It was used as a marketplace, a place for the militia to drill, or for grazing livestock.

John Kimball was born in 1631 in Rattlesden, Suffolk County, England. His parents were Richard Kimball and Ursula Scott. He was three years old when he came with his parents and siblings to America on the ship Elizabeth.

He was a wheelwright and farmer and settled with his family in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachustts.

In September, 1649 the Essex Court admonished

Joseph Fowler [Martha Kimball’s husband], Thomas Cooke, Thomas Scott, and two of ye sons of Richard Kimball [John and Thomas], for goeing into ye woods, shouting and singing, taking fire and liquors with them, all being at unseasonable time in ye night, occasioning yr. wives and some other to go out to them.

He married probably Mary Bradstreet in 1655 in Massachusetts.Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on John and Mary Kimball.

John may have married Mary Jordan on October 8, 1666.

John Kimball was appointed as an executor of Bridget Bradstreet's will that was proved March 28, 1666.

He took the covenant in the church on March 8, 1673 in Ipswich.

He inherited twenty pounds from his father in 1675 and was appointed a tax collector the same year.

He died on May 6, 1698 in Ipswich.

The ship Elizabeth sailed from Ipswich, England in April, 1634 with William Andrews, Master. On board were Richard and Ursula Kimball and their children, Ursula’s mother Martha Whatlock Scott and her brothers Roger and Thomas Scott. Humphrey and Bridget Bradstreet sailed on the same ship. They arrived in July at Boston.

Rattlesden is a village in Suffolk in eastern England. St. Nicholas church dates from the 13th century. The village was a center of Puritanism in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Children of Richard Kimball, Sr.
and Ursula Scott
  • Henry Kimball
  • Abigail Kimball Severens
  • Elizabeth Kimball
  • Richard Kimball, Jr.
  • Mary Kimball Dutch
  • Martha Kimball Fowler
  • John Kimball
  • Thomas Kimball
  • Sarah Kimball Allen
  • Cornet Benjamin Kimball
  • Caleb Kimball
  • Old Style Calendar
    Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.
    Children of John Kimball
    & Mary Bradstreet
  • Mary Kimball Knowlton
  • Sarah Kimball Potter
  • Hannah Kimball
  • Rebecca Kimball Lull
  • Elizabeth Kimball Jewett
  • Corporal Richard Kimball
  • & Mary Bradstreet
    or Mary Jordan
  • Abigail Kimball Poole Estey
  • John Kimball
  • Benjamin Kimball
  • Moses Kimball
  • Aaron Kimball
  • Joseph Kimball
  • Various spellings of Kimball:
    Kemball, Kembolde, Kembold
    Europeans who made the voyage to America faced a difficult journey of several months.
    The town of Ipswich was established on August 5, 1634, from common land called Agawam. On October 18, 1648, that portion called the "Village" at the New Meadows was set off as Topsfield. The boundary line between Ipswich and Topsfield was established, February 28, 1694.




    from Genesis of the White Family: A Connected Record of the White Family by Mrs. Martha (Humphreys) Maltby

    John Kimball (2), seventh child of Richard and Ursula (Scott) Kimball, was b. in 1631, at Rattlesden, County of Suffolk, England, and d. in Ipswich, Mass., May 6, 1698, where he had been an extensive farmer and wheelwright. He frequently bought and sold land, as shown by a number of deeds on record at Salem.

    He m. (first), about 1655, Bridget (or Mary) Bradstreet, who was b. in England, 1633, and came to New England with her parents in the same ship with the Kimballs. She d. prior to October 8, 1666, at which date he

    (second) Mary Jordan, of Ipswich.

    He united with the church at Ipswich, March 8, 1673. His will is dated March 18, 1697 or 1698. He d. May 6, 1698.


    Anne Dudley Bradstreet (1612-1672) was the first women poet published in America and England. She was the wife of Governor Simon Bradstreet.

    In Colonial America Goodman was a courtesy title before the surname of a man not of noble and Goodwife or Goody was the courtesy title for a married woman not of noble birth.

    from The Driver Family by Harriet Ruth Waters Cooke

    John Kimball, son of Richard1 and Ursula (Scott) Kimball, born in England, in 1631; came to New England in 1634, with his parents, in the ship Elizabeth, aged three years; died in Ipswich, Mass., May 6, 1698; wheelwright and yeoman.

    He married first, about 1655, Mary Bradstreete, daughter of Humphrey and Bridget Bradstreete, who was born in England in 1633, and came to New England in 1634 in the ship Elizabeth, with her parents. She died in 1665, leaving six children.

    He married second, Oct. 8, 1666, Mary Jordan, daughter of Francis and Jane (Wilson) Jordan. Oct. 16, 1665, John Kimball was appointed one of the executors of the will of Bridget, widow of Humphrey Bradstreete, proved March 28, 1666 . . .

    1675 - The town of Rowley appointed William Foster, Joseph Peabody, and John Kimball collectors of taxes.

    1677 -The town appointed various persons to see that the Sabbath was well kept, agreeably to the provisions of a law of the General Court, passed May 23, 1677.

    1680 -The town appointed eleven men for the above purpose, nine for the town, and two for the village. Joseph Bigsbee and William Foster were appointed for the village. Bigsbee was to inspect the families of Goodman Black, Moses Tiler, Old Goodman Tiler, Robert Ames, Goodman Perry, John Kimball, John Peabody, Goodman Stiles, Goodman Bossell, Goodman Redington, and Daniel Wood (Gage's Hist, of Rowley).

    Children by Mary (Bradstreete) were

    33. John Kimball, born Nov. 8, 1657; died Feb. 24, 1657/08.
    34. Mary Kimball, born Dec. 10, 1658.
    35. Sarah Kimball, born July 29, 1661; died in 1724; md. John Potter, of Ipswich; first child. . .
    36. Hannah Kimball
    37. Rebecca Kimball, born Feb.. 1663: md. Jan. 21, 1689, Thomas Lull. Corporal; died May 25,1716; md. Jan. 13, Lydia Wells, and had issue. Nothing known of her.

    Children by Mary Jordan were
    40. Abigail Kimball, born March 22, 1667-8...
    41. John Kimball born March 16, 1668...
    42. Benjamin Kimball, born July 22, 1670...
    43. Moses Kimball born Sept. 1672 md. to Susanna Goodhue,
    44. Aaron Kimball born Jan., 1673-4; died Feb. 12, 1728-9. Not named in his father's will, nor in any way remembered by him by Deed of Gift, as were the other sons, as far as can be ascertained.
    45. Joseph Kimball, born Jan. 24, 1675: died April 25, 1696,

    The Driver Family: A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass, With an Appendix, Containing Twenty-Three Allied Families, 1592-1887

    Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts was first settled in 1639.

    Pewter is an alloy composed mainly of tin, but can include lead. It was used for dishes and utensils. Some colonists suffered lead poisoning from using it. It dents easily and lasted about ten years. It was expensive and wooden dishes were used most often.
    It was common for bequests to include wearing apparel.

    Cattle were vital to a household and an important legacy.
    Unweaned cattle are calves.
    Female cattle are heifers and cows (had a calf).
    Male cattle are steers (castrated) and bulls.
    are trained draft animals and are often castrated adult male cattle.

    from History of the Kimball Family in America by Leonard Allen Morrison

    John Kimball- (Richard) was born in Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, in Kijl. and came to America with his father. He settled in Ipswich, Mass., and died there May 6, 1698. In a deposition made in 1666 he says he is 35 years old. In a deposition made in 1684, when he was 53 years old, he and his nephew, Philip Fowler, testify

    that Mary wife of Thomas patch, Abigail Bosworth, (probably wife of Haniniel Bosworth, who Richard, Sr., calls cousin in his will), and Elizabeth Spofford were daughters of Thomas Scott Sr.

    In 1656 he was appointed attorney for Thomas Scott of Stamford, Ct., son of Thomas Scott, Sr.. late of Ipswich, and brother-in-law of his father, Richard Kimball, Sr....

    By trade John Kimball was a wheelwright, but by occupation he seems, like his brothers, to have been also an extensive farmer. He frequently bought and sold land, and there are a number of deeds on record at Salem bearing his name.

    October 16, 1665, he was appointed one of the executors of the will of Bridget Bradstreet. In her will she mentions her oldest daughter, Martha Kimball. (This is evidently a clerical error, as Martha was the wife of William Beal.) She gives to her

    the gound she now hath now in her possession, and
    my greine hood,
    a peuter [pewter] dish, and
    Mr. Morton's Bocke [book] and
    on sheet and
    on peliber [Pillowbear]

    To my daughter Mary Kemball my
    ould bible,
    my cloth waskate [waistcoat],
    my stamell [stammel- wool cloth which was often red] peticote [petticoat],
    on boulster and
    on palow [pillow],
    on peuter dish and
    on candlestick.

    John Kimball married Mary Bradstreet about 1655. He came over in the same ship with her and her father and mother. She was born in England in 1633. Most historians say that John married for his second wife Mary Jordan. This is an error. (See John, Henry, Richard)

    On March 8, 1673, he united with the church by taking the covenant.

    His will was made March 18, 1697-8. In it he mentions his sons Richard, John, and Mosis, to whom he gives

    sixe shillings a peece in money, which is all I intend to for them having by deed of gift giuene before what I them intended out of my estat.

    He mentions his

    sixe dafters Mary Sarah, hanuah, Rebekah Elizabeth, and Abigail.
    His sunes Beniamin and Joseph kimbal

    have all the personal property divided between them, except one steer that he gives to

    my sun beniamin, and my best cubbard I giue toe my sun beniamin's wife: in consideration of what they have dune or may doe for me in my cage and weaknes.

    His real estate had all been given away before this time, and his personal property which was estimated at £131.9s. 11d. consisted mainly of "Quick Stock" as follows
    Six Oxen £24.
    Eight cows £26.
    13 young cattle £18. 10s.
    29 shepp £6.
    12 swine £5

    Children born in Ipswich
    i. John b. Nov. 8, 1657; d. Feb. 24, 1657-8.
    ii. Mary b. Dec. 10, 1658; m. May 17, 1682, Dea. Thomas Knowlton of Ipswich, Mass.
    iii. Sarah, b. July 29, 1661; m. John Potter of Ipswich, Mass., and d. 1724. Child, Sarah Potter, b. Dec. 11, 1685. Reg. Deeds Salem, B. 14, p. 103. Benjamin and Joseph Kimball (her bros.) to John Potter: Whereas our hon'd father John Kimball Ips. late dec'd did upon the marriage of our sister Sarah, unto John Potter of Ipswich give as part of her portion a parcel of land valued at £30. which said land sd Potter enjoyed till sd parent dec. and sd parent not having given a deed we the sd Benjamin and Joseph do convey according to his will &c.
    iv. Hannah b. ; d. young.
    v. Rebecca, b. Feb., 1663-4; m. Jan. 21, 1689, Thomas Lull.
    vi. Richard b. Sept. 22, 1665; d. May 26, 1716.
    vii. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 22, 1665.
    viii. Abigail b. March 22, 1667; in. Oct. 14, 1689, Isaac Esty of Topstield, Mass.; m. second, April 25, 1718, William, son of Jonathan Poole.
    ix. John b. March 16, 1668; d. May 4, 1761, Preston, Conn.
    x. Benjamin b. July 22, 1670; d. May 28, 1716. 21
    xi. Moses b. Sept., 1672; d. Jan. 23, 1750.
    xii. Aaron b. Jan., 1674; d. probably before his father, as he is not mentioned in the latter's will.
    xiii. Joseph, b. Jan. 24, 1675; d. 1761

    In contracts and pleadings usually people and things mentioned before are designated by the term said (sd ) for clarity. Aforesaid (afd, afsd, aforesd ) means it was already mentioned.
    European and indiginous American fought fierce battles, sometimes called the Indian Wars, as the Europeans expanded their territory.
    American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.

    DNA match with other descendant in this line.
    Richard Kimball
    John Kimball
    Abigail Kimball Estey
    Aaron Estey
    Mary Estey Dwinnell
    Israel Dwinnell
    Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Sr.
    Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Jr.
    Victoria Dwinnell Miller
    Robert Wilson Miller, Sr.
    Robert Wilson Miller, Jr.

    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

    ©Roberta Tuller 2025
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