from History of the Kimball Family in America by Leonard Allen Morrison
John Kimball- (Richard) was born in Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, in Kijl. and came to America with his father. He settled in Ipswich, Mass., and died there May 6, 1698. In a deposition made in 1666 he says he is 35 years old. In a deposition made in 1684, when he was 53 years old, he and his nephew, Philip Fowler, testify
that Mary wife of Thomas patch, Abigail Bosworth, (probably wife of Haniniel Bosworth, who Richard, Sr., calls cousin in his will), and Elizabeth Spofford were daughters of Thomas Scott Sr.
In 1656 he was appointed attorney for Thomas Scott of Stamford, Ct., son of Thomas Scott, Sr.. late of Ipswich, and brother-in-law of his father, Richard Kimball, Sr....
By trade John Kimball was a wheelwright, but by occupation he seems, like his brothers, to have been also an extensive farmer. He frequently bought and sold land, and there are a number of deeds on record at Salem bearing his name.
October 16, 1665, he was appointed one of the executors of the will of Bridget Bradstreet. In her will she mentions her oldest daughter, Martha Kimball. (This is evidently a clerical error, as Martha was the wife of William Beal.) She gives to her
the gound she now hath now in her possession, and
my greine hood,
a peuter [pewter] dish, and
Mr. Morton's Bocke [book] and
on sheet and
on peliber [Pillowbear]
To my daughter Mary Kemball my
ould bible,
my cloth waskate [waistcoat],
my stamell [stammel- wool cloth which was often red] peticote [petticoat],
on boulster and
on palow [pillow],
on peuter dish and
on candlestick.
John Kimball married Mary Bradstreet about 1655. He came over in the same ship with her and her father and mother. She was born in England in 1633. Most historians say that John married for his second wife Mary Jordan. This is an error. (See John, Henry, Richard)
On March 8, 1673, he united with the church by taking the covenant.
His will was made March 18, 1697-8. In it he mentions his sons Richard, John, and Mosis, to whom he gives
sixe shillings a peece in money, which is all I intend to for them having by deed of gift giuene before what I them intended out of my estat.
He mentions his
sixe dafters Mary Sarah, hanuah, Rebekah Elizabeth, and Abigail.
His sunes Beniamin and Joseph kimbal
have all the personal property divided between them, except one steer that he gives to
my sun beniamin, and my best cubbard I giue toe my sun beniamin's wife: in consideration of what they have dune or may doe for me in my cage and weaknes.
His real estate had all been given away before this time, and his personal property which was estimated at £131.9s. 11d. consisted mainly of
"Quick Stock" as follows
Six Oxen £24.
Eight cows £26.
13 young cattle £18. 10s.
29 shepp £6.
12 swine £5
Children born in Ipswich
i. John b. Nov. 8, 1657; d. Feb. 24, 1657-8.
ii. Mary b. Dec. 10, 1658; m. May 17, 1682, Dea. Thomas Knowlton of Ipswich, Mass.
iii. Sarah, b. July 29, 1661; m. John Potter of Ipswich, Mass., and d. 1724. Child, Sarah Potter, b. Dec. 11, 1685. Reg. Deeds Salem, B. 14, p. 103. Benjamin and Joseph Kimball (her bros.) to John Potter: Whereas our hon'd father John Kimball Ips. late dec'd did upon the marriage of our sister Sarah, unto John Potter of Ipswich give as part of her portion a parcel of land valued at £30. which said land sd Potter enjoyed till sd parent dec. and sd parent not having given a deed we the sd Benjamin and Joseph do convey according to his will &c.
iv. Hannah b. ; d. young.
v. Rebecca, b. Feb., 1663-4; m. Jan. 21, 1689, Thomas Lull.
vi. Richard b. Sept. 22, 1665; d. May 26, 1716.
vii. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 22, 1665.
viii. Abigail b. March 22, 1667; in. Oct. 14, 1689, Isaac Esty of Topstield, Mass.; m. second, April 25, 1718, William, son of Jonathan Poole.
ix. John b. March 16, 1668; d. May 4, 1761, Preston, Conn.
x. Benjamin b. July 22, 1670; d. May 28, 1716. 21
xi. Moses b. Sept., 1672; d. Jan. 23, 1750.
xii. Aaron b. Jan., 1674; d. probably before his father, as he is not mentioned in the latter's will.
xiii. Joseph, b. Jan. 24, 1675; d. 1761