Various spellings of Kimball:
Kemball, Kembolde, Kembold
Mary Jordan Kimball was born on May 16, 1641. Her parents were Francis Jordan and Jane Wilson of Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts.
She married a John Kimball on October 8, 1666 in Ipswich.
Many researchers believe Mary married John Kimball the son of Richard and Ursula Kimball. They include William Cutter and Martha Maltby. The childen attributed to them are listed on the left and on the page on John and Mary Kimball.
The children attributed to this marriage include:
Mary Kimball (1667),
John Kimball (1668),
Abigail Kimball Morrrison (1669, married Daniel Morrison),
Joseph Kimball,
Abraham Kimball (1670),
Hannah Kimball Eastman (married Roger Eastman), and
Deborah Kimball Brouse (1678, Barnes Brouse).
Essex County, Massachusetts was created on May 10, 1643 by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, when it ordered "that the whole plantation within this jurisdiction be divided into four sheires."
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.
from the Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder Francis Jordan and Jane Wilson married.
Their children:
Sarah, b. Sept. 8, 1636; Hannah, b. Mar. 14, 1638;
Mary, b. Apr. 1, 1639, dyed Aug. 1639;
Mary, b. May 16, 1641;
Lidia, b. Feb. 14, 1643-4;