
An American Family History

Hannah Batchelder Warner


Various Spellings of Batcheller:
Bachelder, Bacheldor, Bacheler, Bacheller, Bachelor, Bachelour, Bachildor, Bachiler, Bachilor, Batcheldor, Batcheldour, Batcheler, Batcheller, Batchellor, Batchellour, Batchelor, Batchclour, Batchiler and Batchilor.

The town of Ipswich was established on August 5, 1634, from common land called Agawam. On October 18, 1648, that portion called the "Village" at the New Meadows was set off as Topsfield. The boundary line between Ipswich and Topsfield was established, February 28, 1694.

Hannah Batchelder Warner was born in June, 1644 in Essex County, Massachusetts. Her parents were Joseph Batcheller and Elizabeth Warner.

She married John Warner on April 20, 1665 when she was 21 years old. Their life together and their six children are described in detail in the section on John and Hannah Warner.

She died when she was 43 on March 10, 1687/88 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachsetts.
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

Children of John Warner
and Hannah Batchelder
  • Elizabeth Warner Gott
  • John Warner
  • William Warner
  • William Warner
  • Hannah Warner
  • Susannah Warner Fiske
  • and Mrs. Mary Prince
  • Nathaniel Warner
  • Mary Warner Adams
  • Abigail Warner
  • Children of Elizabeth and Joseph Batcheller
  • Mark Batcheller
  • John Batcheller
  • Elizabeth Batcheller Davis
  • Hannah Batcheller Warner
  • Women played an essential role in American society as mothers and homemakers.

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