
An American Family History

Max Jahrmarkt

Galicia is in east central Europe between Poland and the Ukraine. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna ceded Galacia to Austria. From 1873, Galicia was an autonomous province of Austria-Hungary with Polish, Ukrainian and Ruthenin as official languages. From the 1880s to the World War I, a mass emigration from Galacia occurred.

Menasheh (Max) Jahrmarkt (Jarmark, Yarmark)  was born on March 14, 1866 in eastern Galicia on the San River in the Lwow district. His parents were Isidore (Itzig) Yarmark and Fanny (Frimet) Neger. He was a cloak maker.

He married Hannah Najer (Neger) who was born in 1869.

Max and Hannah's children were William Yarmark (1891-1931), Benjamin Yarmark (1893), Frieda Yarmark (1895), Jacob Yarmark (1896), Fannie Yarmark, (1898), Lillian (Lena) Yarmark (1902), David Yarmark (1904),  and Isidore Yarmark (1908.

Max arrived in the United States on February 5, 1883 and naturalized on September 26, 1893. At that time, he lived at 62 Sheriff Street.

He died on June 28, 1909 in Manhattan, New York.

At the time of the 1910 census the household consisted of Annie age 44, William age 19, Benjamin age 17, Frieda age 15, Jacob age 13, Lillian age 7, David age 5, and Isidor age 2. William was a clerk and Benjamin was a bookkeeper. They lived on Cannon Street in Manhattan Ward 13.

His family lived at 119 East 118th Street in New York City in 1915.

In 1920 the family (Hannah Jarmarkt) consisted of Hannah age 50, William age 28, Benjamin age 26, Freda age 24, Jacob age 22, Lillian age 15, and Isadore age 11.

Hannah died March 9, 1932.

Children of Isidore Yarmark
and Fanny Neger

  • Max Jahrmarkt
  • Goldie Glaser
  • Abraham Jarmark
  • Harry Jarmark
  • Hannah Ringler
  • Yetta Morrison
  • Between 1880 and World War I about 2,000,000 Yiddish-speaking, Ashkenazi Jews immigrated from Eastern Europe to the United States.



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    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

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