
An American Family History

Lawrence Waters and Anna Linton

Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts
Watertown was settled in 1630 by English Puritans in Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

The rod or perch or pole is a surveyor's tool equal to 5 1⁄2 yards.

King Philip’s War was a bloody and costly series of raids and skirmishes in 1675 and 1676 between the Native American people and the colonials. King Philip was the Native American leader Metacom.
European and indiginous American fought fierce battles, sometimes called the Indian Wars, as the Europeans expanded their territory.
The town common (commons) was a small, open field at the center of the town which was jointly owned. It was used as a marketplace, a place for the militia to drill, or for grazing livestock.

In early New England towns policy was set by a board of 3 to 5 selectmen. They oversaw public responsibilities such as the policing, roads, and fences.

Lawrence Waters and Anna Linton married in September, 1634/35 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. They owned eight acres bounded on the south by the highway, on the north by Nathaniel Bowman, on the east by Edward Lamb, and on the west by John Ellet.

Lawrence Waters, Jr. was born in February 14, 1634/35. Sarah Waters Skeath was born on December 7, 1636. Mary Waters Davis was born on January 27, 1637/8.

In 1638, Lawrence or Ann or both were warned in Watertown for having danced.

The first inventory of Watertown taken about 1639, showed the Waters family had large land holdings. Their holdings included the original homestall, four acres of plowland in the further plain, four acres of meadow in the remote meadows, twenty five acres of upland, twelve acres of upland beyond the further plain, and a farm of 105 acres of upland. 

The first child named, Rebecca Waters was born in 1639/40. She died as an infant in 1640. Daniel Waters was born on February 6, 1641/42. Stephen Waters was born on February 24, 1643. Rebecca Waters Whitcomb was born in February, 1643/44

The second inventory of land in Watertown was taken in 1644. It showed the Waters family had same land holdings except the 105 acres, which was replaced by a one acre meadow in Patch Meddow, bounded with  common land. The four acres of plow land was described as bounded on the east by Thomas Bartlett, on the west by Garret Church, on the north by the highway, and on the south by the river. 

In spite of these large land holdings, they disposed of it all except the original homestall and relocated to Lancaster along with Anna’s parents, the Lintons. A group of colonists called the Nashaway Company who were interested in commercial production sent them ahead to prepare the plantation.

In Lancaster they were assigned seventeen acres on which they built a house which was about twenty rods above 'Sprague Bridge.’ It was the first house and lot number 18.

The plantation was isolated and growth was slow.

Adam Waters was born in 1645. Joseph Waters was born on April 29, 1647. Twins Rachel and Jacob Waters were born on January 1, 1649. Joseph died within the month and Rachel was the first attested death in Lancaster. She died on January 31, 1649.

In 1650 they had sold their original house in Lancaster to John and Elizabeth Hall. They moved a few rods to a 6 acre lot where they built another house. They owned nine acres of rich bottom land bounded on the north by Richard Linton's lot, 13½ acres of upland on the east side of Swan's Swamp, and 11 acres of rich bottom land lying on the east side of Penacook River.

Samuel Waters was born on November 14, 1651. Joanna Waters was born on January 26, 1653. She died as a baby on February 24, 1654.

In 1654 their estate was rated at 277 pounds and they drew lot number four of eleven acres in the second division of meadows.

Ephraim (Ephram) Waters was born on November 27, 1655. He died when he was three years old on April 17, 1659 in Lancaster.

On September 8, 1657 a committee of three ordered the Selectmen to lay out additional land for Lawrence Waters and they received additional land grants on February 5, 1659.

There was a garrison on the Waters property during King Philip’s War.

In 1659 her father gave them 15 acres in Lancaster.

 On August 11, 1666 Lawrence and Anna gave their son Stephen one half of the second division land on Four Mile Brook between Wataquadock Hill and Long Hill, together with 4 acres of second division meadow and also fifty pounds of town rights.

After the massacre of August 22, 1675, Lawrence and Ann, and Samuel with his wife and two children, found shelter in Charlestown, where their son Stephen became responsible to the authorities for them because Lawrence was blind. Sarah and John Skeath were killed in the massacre of 1697.

Indigenous warriors attacked the town of Lancaster in February, 1676 and stormed the garrison where settlers had taken refuge. Mary Rowlandson, who was taken captive, described what happened in her famous narrative.

At length they came and beset our own house (which served as the garrison) and quickly it was the dolefullest day that ever mine eyes saw. The house stood upon the edge of a hill. Some of the Indians got behind the hill, others into the barn, and others behind anything that would shelter them, from all which places they shot against the house, so that the bullets seemed to fly like hail. Some in our house were fighting for their lives, others wallowing in their blood, the house on fire over our heads, and the bloody heathen ready to knock us on the head if we stirred out. Now might we hear mothers and children crying out for themselves and one another, "Lord what shall we do?"

Survivors of the attack took shelter in and near two fortified houses or garrisons, one of them on the land of Lawrence Waters.

Ann died in 1680 during the abandonment of the town and Lawrence died in 1687 after the re-settlement.

On May 28, 1684 Lawrence was taxed in Lancaster as an out of town resident 1.3.5 for the meeting house and 1.17.0 for the minister.

In 1697 Samuel's wife, Mary lost her parents, two sisters, and two children of her brother Nathaniel in an Indian raid.

Mary White Rowlandson,Talcot
was captured by Native Americans
during King Philip's War (1675-1676).
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

Lancaster was first settled as "Nashaway" in 1643. It was officially incorporated as "Lancaster on the Nashua" in 1653. It originally included many current towns in central Massachusetts. It was the home of Mary Rowlandson. During King Philip's War the town suffered several massacres. It was abandoned in 1680 and resettled several years later.

During the wars with indigenous Americans, some European colonists were taken captive. They were killed, ransomed, or adopted into the tribe.
American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.
A blockhouse or garrison house is a small, isolated fort. The typical blockhouse was two stories with the second story overhanging the first. It had small openings to allow residents to shoot attackers without being exposed.



The Tucker Genealogy by Tyler Seymour Morris

Lawrence Waters, settled in Watertown, Mass., about 1634, where he made a purchase in 1636-7. He married Anna Linton, daughter of Richard Linton. Lawrence Waters was a carpenter, and in 1653 was one of the first settlers of Lancaster, Mass., where he built the first house. He and his wife were warned for having danced. He was a soldier in the garrison at Lancaster in 1675 and earlier.

He received a grant of a homestead of eight acres, four acres of plow land, four acres of meadow, twenty-five acres of upland, twelve acres of upland, and a farm of 105 acres of upland.

He was blind in 1676. Removed to Charlestown, where he died Dec. 9, 1687, aged 85 years.

1. Lawrence, born Feb. 14, 1634-5.
2. Sarah, born Dec. 7, 1636.
3. Mary, born Jan. 27, 1637-8
4. Rebecca, born in 1639; died in 1640.
5. Rebecca; born in April 1640; m. Josiah Whitcomb.
6. Daniel, born Feb. 6, 1641-2.
7. Stephen, born Jan. 24, 1642-3.
8. Joseph, born April 29, 1647.
9. Jacob, born March 1, 1649.
10. Rachel, born March 1, 1649; died March 31, 1649.
11. Samuel, born Jan. 14, 1651.
12. Johanna, born March 26, 1653.
13. Ephraim, born Jan. 27, 1655.

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©Roberta Tuller 2025
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