
An American Family History

The William Long, Jr. Family


Barree/West/Logan Township, Huntington County, Pennsylvania
Amanda, Fairfield County, Ohio

Warrior Ridge
Warrior Ridge

In the War of 1812 (1812-1815) the United States declared war on England because of trade restrictions, impressment, and British support for Indian attacks. They signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814 after reaching a stalemate.

A militia is a military unit composed of citizens who are called up in time of need.
Bedford County, Pennsylvania was created on March 9, 1771 from part of Cumberland County.

Kentucky was originally a Virginia county and included the lands west of the Appalachians. In 1780, it was divided into Fayette, Jefferson, and Lincoln counties. Kentucky officially became a state on June 1, 1792.

American pioneers migrated west to settle areas not previously inhabited by European Americans.

William Long, Jr. was born on January 21, 1748. His father was William Long, Sr.

was a small man, but remarkably well-proportioned. He once had a pair of pants made from a single yard of tow-linen, but the pattern was rather scant, and the pants too tight. He said he would never 'spile' another yard of linen in that way.

This same Wm Long found that his cows would not eat straw, so he adopted a strategy. He stuffed straw in the fence cracks, and several times drove the cows away when they had tasted it, and after that he had no trouble in getting them to eat it, and even to eat up his entire crop of straw.( p. 227, A Complete History of Fairfield County, Ohio, Hervey Scott)

His wife was named Temperance. She was born about 1752.

James Long was born on May 29, 1772.

John Long was born about 1774.

The Long family moved to Barree Township, Pennsylvania about 1774. According to the History of Huntingdon and Blair Counties, Pennsylvania by J. Simpson Africa

In 1784, William Long, Jr., was residing on a tract [in West Township], which was improved in the fall of 1774.

West Township was in the Shaver’s Creek Valley, northeast from Logan and southwest from Barree, and extended from the plateaux of Warrior’s Ridge northwest to the summit of Tussey Mountain. In 1798 it became part of Logan Township.

Margaret Long Cole was born about 1778.

In 1781 a tax assesment was made in Barree Township which was then in Bedford County. William Long appeared on that list,

In 1783 William Long was constable of Barree Township.

On November 2, 1784, the Long family had their land surveyed in Bedford County.

William, Jr. applied for a warrant for 200 acres on Standing Stone Creek with two springs on the east end of Patterson's survey joining land of McMiflins about three miles above the warm springs in Barree Township. It was further described as on the south side of the creek joining Shaver's Creek Manor, James Linn's claim and David Riddle's improved land.

Thomas Long was born about 1785.

William Long was born between 1780 and 1790.

The Supreme Council of Pennsylvania met in Philadelphia, Thursday, September 24, 1789 and heard a petition from a William Long.

A petition from William Long, praying remission of the fine of fifteen pounds which has been imposed upon him by the last Mayor's Court, upon being convicted of an assault and battery upon his apprentice boy, in the office of the Mayor, when brought to answer to a complaint for ill treatment, was received and read, together with a recommendation of him from the Mayor and his associates, and from a number of respectable citizens, by which it appears that the petitioner is in indigent circumstances and has a large family to support; it was thereupon,

Resolved, To remit the said fine.

Esther Long Miller was born about 1790.

In 1788, John Little was captain of the militia in Huntingdon County. His company was made up of men from Barree including William Long.

At the time of the 1790 census there were two William Long households was in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.

One household consisted of:

a man over 16,
two boys under 16, and
five females.

The next household to this one was the Benjamin Long household consisting of 4 men over 16, a boy under 16 and 3 females.

The other was

two men over 16, William and James?
two boys under 16, John, Thomas and William??
and three females. Wife, Margaret and Esther?

In 1791 Arthur Bell was captain of the second company of the first battalion from Huntingdon Township. William Long was on the muster list.

James married Margaret Lamb on May 20, 1794 in Pennsylvania. They moved from Pennsylvania to Kentucky to Ohio.

In the 1798 U.S. Direct Tax list for Huntington County in West Barree Township, Robert Miller, Stephen Lowry, and Robert Leonard were tenants of William and Joseph Long.

Robert Leonard leased 70 acres next to William Porter and Stephen Lowry leased 183 acres from them.

William Long had 252 acres on the east side of the stone church
William Long had 322 acres on Warrior Ridge
William Long had 277 acres ? of Shaver's Creek

The next parcel was leased by Joshua Lewis and owned by Joshua Lefever. It had a 20 by 20 cabin and was worth $40 and was ? of Shaver's Creek.

They settled in Amanda Township, Fairfield County, Ohio. In 1806 William Long was listed in Tax List for Fairfield County.

The March term of 1806 [of the Court of Common Pleas for Fairfield County opened]... its proceedings with the hearing of several criminal cases.  We quote from the docket literally, thus: 
"State of Ohio vs. William Long;" 
"same vs. Samuel Chaney;" 
"same vs. Reason Reckets;" 
"same vs. same;
" "same vs. same;" 
"State of Ohio vs. James Lambert [Lamb?]."

In no instance is the nature of the offense or crime specified. Wm. Long was fined one dollar and costs; Samuel Chaney was acquitted; Reason Rickets was fined in one case three dollars and costs; in the two others he was acquitted. (from The Complete History of Fairfield County, Ohio)

William Long appeared on the list in 1807, 1808 and 1810.

Esther married Abraham Miller on June 14, 1807 in Amanda.

Thomas married Mary Giles on February 4, 1808 in Amanda.

Margaret married Joshua Cole on February 16, 1808. William married Sarah Cole on October 6, 1812. William and Sarah were children of Thomas Cole and Elizabeth Stevens.

William Long (3rd) married Sarah (Rachel) Cole on October 6, 1812.

During the War of 1812, John and Thomas Long were members of Ensign Peter Huber's Company of the Ohio militia. Also serving in this company was Corporal Joshua Cole.

In 1830 the household in Amanda Township. The household consisted of:

a man and a woman between 70 & 79
a boy and a girl between 15 and 19
a boy and a girl between 10 & 14

In 1840 the household included:

a man and a woman between 80 & 89
a boy and a girl between 15 & 19

Temperance died on March 12, 1846 and William died at the age of 99 on May 30, 1847 in Amanda Township.

They are buried in the Cole Cemetery. The Cole Cemetery is on Winter Road just west of Swope Road.

Amos A. Frisbie (Frisby) was appointed as the administrator of his estate. Amos was born in 1805 in Vermont and was a physician.



Fairfield County, Ohio

Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania was established on September 20, 1787 as a large region of Central Pennsylvania. It was previously part of Bedford County and the earlier Cumberland Region.
Fairfield County is in central Ohio. The county seat is Lancaster.

Barree Township, Pennsylvania was formed in 1767 and was originally part of of Cumberland County, then it became part of Bedford County until 1787 when it became part of Huntingdon County.

18th century primer

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America and was ratified in 1789.



Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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