From History of Fairfield County, Ohio and Representative Citizens edited and
compiled by Charles C. Miller, Ph.D,
Thomas Swope, grandfather of S. B. Swope, was born in Huntingdon County, PA.,
Feb. 19, 1800, and was the youngest son of David and Mary (Cole) Swope. . .
Thomas Swope walled in a lot on the home place where his father, a brother and sister, a niece and the oldest and the youngest of his own
children were buried. In 1909 the last two named were removed to the family burying
ground in Amanda Township Cemetery.
Soon after his marriage, Thomas Swope took possession of his farm which he cleared
and on which he built a two-story, brick house, a large frame barn and other buildings
needed in successful operation of his farm. In the early days he carred on the business
of freighting by means of a four or six-horse team and wagon, and hauled produce from
the surrounding country to Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA., and would there load far the return trip with
supplied for the merchants of the towns near home. These trips were often attended
with great difficulties and dangers, and sometimes were without financial rewards. Upon one occasion, having slaughtered some seventy-five hogs and cured the meat,
he conveyed it to Baltimore, where is was disposed of to merchants, who failed before
paying him. In 1819, with a man named Hooker, he built a raft and loaded it with produce
for New Orleans. The trip down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers was easy, but the return
was most difficult, and many miles of it were walked along the river banks. He died August 13, 1884.
Thomas Swope was married to Rebecca Le Fever, who was born October 10, 1805, and
died August 15, 1887. She was a daughter of Jacob and Rebecca (Bechtel) Le Fever. Her father was born March 1766, and died November 18, 1844, and her mother was
born December 4, 1770, and died February 3, 1829.
Thomas and Rebecca Swope were
parents of the following children, of whom the oldest and youngest died during the
lives of the parents.
David, the eldest, in 1837, fell from a loaded wagon and was crushed
beneath the wheels.
Jacob died at Wellsville, MO., in 1906.
Margaret A. died in April 1911, on the home farm.
Mary E. is the wife of Robert Sturgeon and lives in Kansas.
Rebecca died in 1906.
Thomas J. lives at Reynoldsburg, O.
Tilitha Jane, now
deceased, was the wife of James Ingman and lives at Barnes, Washington, Kansas, USA.
Abner R. lives
at Bloomingburn, Fayette County, O.
Louisa is the wife a B. F. Ashbrook and lives at Milo, O.
Samuel lives at Toledo, O.
Felix is a resident of Lancaster, O.
Emma J. was
the wife of Robert Peters and died in 1872.
Felix Swope engaged in Farming in Amanda Township until 1908, since which time he has
been a resident of Lancaster. He has been a stock dealer all his life and still operates along
that line. He was married July 20, 1872 to Alice Kraft, who was born in Circleville, O.,
February 3, 1853, and died July 19, 1906, being buried in Amanda Township Cemetery. She was the daughter of George H. and Caroline (Wilson) Kraft. Her father was two years
old when he came to this part of Ohio, with his parents. He came later to Fairfield County,
where for nine years he lived in Amanda Township. He then moved to Berne Township,
in March 1872, living there until 1888, when he moved to Ashville, O., where he died
April 22, 1905.