
An American Family History


Philip Kibler


In the War of 1812 (1812-1815) the United States declared war on England because of trade restrictions, impressment, and British support for Indian attacks. They signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814 after reaching a stalemate.

Philip Kibler was born about 1768 in Luray, Shenandoah (now Page) County, Virginia. His parents were Henry and Mary Kibler.

He married Catherine Schneider (Snyder) on October 3, 1797. Catherine was born in 1777 in Virginia. Her parents were Daniel and Elizabeth Schneider (Snyder).

Philip and Catherine's chidren included:
Sarah Catherine Kibler (1789),
Joseph Kibler (1806, married Martha Koontz),
James Reuben Kibler (1812, married Esther A. Clem, Rebecca Koontz, and Harriet Sanford), and
Mary Kibler (1819).

On October 8, 1799 he received two tracts of land that had been his father’s for one dollar from his father’s other heirs. On June 9, 1800 he received an additional tract.

He died on June 12, 1847. He is buried on the Robert Kemp Farm, Page County, Virginia.

Children of Henry Kibler and
Mary Amelia Pierce
  • Magdalene Kibler Baker
  • Barbara Kibler Pence
  • Adam Kibler
  • John Kibler
  • Philip Kibler
  • Martin Luther Kibler
    Henry Kibler Homestead
    The Henry Kibler Homestead
    photo taken about 1926
    a few miles east of Luray, Virginia
  • In 1831 Page County, Virginia was created from Rockingham and Shenandoah Counties. Originally it was part of Frederick County.

    John Adams, Jr. (1735-1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), the first Vice President (1789–1797).

    In 1607 the London Company established Virginia as the first permanent New World English colony.

    Philip Kibler's Tombstone
    Philip Kibler's Tombstone



    from Volume 8, 51 Deed Book W, Page 308 - December 16 1815.

    Between Philip Kibler and Katharine his wife of County of Shenandoah [to] John Snyder [Schneider] of the same County ... consideration of eight hundred and fifty dollars ... on the east side of a branch of the little Hawksbill Creek at the blue ridge it being a certain tract which was granted to Martin Snyder [Schneider] dec'd. by a title bond of his Father Daniel Snyder [Schneider] Sen. by the last will and testament of said (Martin Snyder [Schneider]) dec'd. to his brothers and sisters of whom there are five in number namely

    Eve Pence late Eve Snyder [Schneider]
    the said Katharine Kibler late Katharine Snyder [Schneider]
    Elizabeth Kibler late Elizabeth Snyder [Schneider]
    Daniel Snyder [Schneider] Jun.
    and the said John Snyder [Schneider] ...
    and since that said Daniel Snyder [Schneider] Sen. to his said five children ... the one fifth part of which is hereby conveyed to said John Snyder [Schneider] contains acres ...

    Many settlers in the Shenandoah Valley were Germans from Pennsylvania called the "Shenandoah Deitsch."

    Book Z, p. 312, August 5, 1819

    Between Phillip Kibler and Catharine his wife of County of Shenandoah [to] John Shank Sen. of the same County ... consideration of eight hundred Dollars ... one certrain tract or moiety of Land lying and being in County of Shenandoah ... to the line of John Shelton dec'd ... corner to survey made for Wm Nail dec'd ... containing Fifty five and three quarter acres it being the lands conveyed by Heritage Blackwell & wife to the said Kibler. Recorded August 10, 1819, signed in German Catharine (X) Kibler

    Book Z, p. 313 August 7, 1819 Catharine Kibler the wife of Philip Kibler released Dower right to said Land.


    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
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    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
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    ©Roberta Tuller 2025
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