
An American Family History

Leonard Hart

  also spelled Heart  

Sullivan County is in far northeast corner of Tennessee between North Carolina and Virginia and was originally part of those states. It was formed in 1779 when it was divided from Washington County.

East Tennessee is part of Appalachia. At the end of the French and Indian War, colonists began drifting into the area. In 1769, they first settled along the Watauga River. During the Revolution, the Overmountain Men defeated British loyalists at the Battle of Kings Mountain. The State of Franklin was formed in the 1780s, but never admitted to the Union.

The State of Franklin was an unrecognized, independent state in what is now eastern Tennessee. It was created in 1784 with the intent of becoming the fourteenth state. Its first capital was Jonesborough. It existed for about four and a half years and then North Carolina re-assumed control.

Leonard Hart was born December 26, 1758. His father was Valentine Hart.

Leonard Hart was one of the early settlers on the Watauga River in what became Tennessee. In 1807, Leonard bought land from the Seviers and settled on the farm next to the Hendrix Family.

Leonard Hart may have been a Revolutionary War soldier and possibly participated in the battle of King’s Mountain. He was a surveyor and was appointed to survey the road from Shoals to the Holston River.

He married Sallie Goodman (or Mollie) about 1784 in Sullivan County, Tennessee. Leonard and Sallie's children were born in Sullivan County.

Elizabeth Hart Crow was born February 25, 1784. She married Isaac Lincoln Crow on April 1, 1832.

Elizabeth Hart
Elizabeth Hart Crow

John Hart was born August 08, 1786. He in died in 1847 in Sullivan County.

Sarah Hart Mottern was born October 11, 1788. She married John Mottern in 1804.

Mary (Polly) Hart Nichols was born December 11, 1790. She married John Nichols.

Susanna Hart Hendrix was born March 6, 1793. She married Solomon Hendrix on March 01, 1812 in Carter County. They lived on his father's land. Solomon was a captain in the militia and served in the war of 1812.

Isaac Hart was born May 23, 1795. He married Martha Tipton the daughter of William Tipton.

On February 1, 1796 Leonard obtained 239 acres in Sullivan County.

William Hart was born September 11, 1797. He married Orry Boring.

Andrew Hart was born March 27, 1800 in Sullivan County. He died as an infant.

Catherine Hart Hendrix was born June 21, 1802. She married William Hendrix on August 06, 1820.

Leonard Hart, Jr. was born June 25, 1806. He married Catherine Emmert on March 27, 1826. Catherine was born April 23, 1808. She was the daughter of George Emmert, Jr. and Margaret Shawley.

Solomon Hart was born on March 22, 1808. He married Elizabeth Crow. He died on July 18, 1895.

Abraham Hart was born on May 14, 1811. He married Mary Crow.

Fern Hart Combs was mentioned as a daughter in Leonard's will. She married Jonathan Combs.

In 1814 Leonard Hart was a member of the Carter County court which decided to buy salt to resell with the state lottery proceeds.

On July 8, 1819, Leonard married Phebe Proffitt Webb. She was the widow of John Proffitt.

The 1820 manufacturer's census listed a pottery owned by Isaac Hart and John Mottern. The pottery continued until the early 1870s.

They appeared in the 1850 census in Carter County. The household consisted of Leonard Hart age 91, Pheobe Hart age 81, and Nancy Proffitt age 10 or 16.

Leonard Hart died in 1852 and was buried in the Sinking Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.

Henry Little was the executor of the estate.

January 24, 1895,
Johnson City, Tennessee
Watauga Pioneer Neighbors
The Holston River flows from Kingsport to Knoxville.
map by Kmusser
The Battle of Kings Mountain was a decisive battle of the American Revoluton. It took place on October 7, 1780, nine miles south of the present-day town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. The Patriot militia defeated the Loyalist militia commanded by British Major Patrick Ferguson.

The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) was between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the 13 colonies which became the newly formed United States.

The American folk hero, David "Davy" Crockett(1786 – 1836), grew up in East Tennessee.

Johnson City, Tennessee is in Washington, Carter and Sullivan Counties. It was known as Brush Creek for the Creek than runs through it.




Tennessee Bible Records and Marriage Bonds, Acklen, 1933

Christina Moltern was the daughter of John Moltern and his wife Sally Hart. Sally Hart was the daughter of Leonard Hart and his first wife, Sally Goodman.

Leonard Hart was a Revolutionary War Soldier; he was with the King’s Mountain patriots. He was a surveyor and was appointed to survey a great road from Shoals to the Holston River ...".

Click on image to enlarge.

A trammel an arrangement of links and a hook in a fireplace for raising and lowering a kettle.
Tools were an important legacy because they were essential part of daily life.
Coverlets (Coverlid) are woven bedcovers, used as the topmost covering on a bed.

Tennessee was admitted to the Union on June 1, 1796. It was initially part of North Carolina.

February 7, 1849
Will of Leonard Hart
State of Tennessee February Term 1852
Carter County Court Clerks Office

I Lenard Hart of sound and perfect mind and memory I do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:

First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Phebe Heart the following described property (to wit)

All my cupboard ware,
one bureau and kitchen cubbord
two small cooking pots,
one large oven and lid
one deep skillet,
one pot tramel
one fire shovel
one small dressing table
two feather beds steads and clothing thereto belonging to include a double wave coverlid,
two cows, one of which after the death of my wife to be sold and the proceeds be divided amongst my several children together with the following property

My will is this should be sold at my death and the proceeds divided as above stated (to wit)

one feather bed,
bedstead, and clothing for the same to include one double woven coverlid [coverlet],
one clock,
one coner [corner] cubbard
all my shop tools such as are used for turning,
one cross cut saw and one hand saw,
two turnout saws
two Ironing plains [planes] together with two beading plains [planes]
two sets and irons [andirons]
one anvile [anvil] and vice [vise]
one sledge hammer and hand hammer,
one pair of tongues [tongs]

all to be sold at my death and the proceeds to be divided among my several children,

My wife Phebe Hart is not to be disturbed but to have peaceable possession of the dwelling house and all the furniture both in house and kitchen during her life time but at her death or her removal from said residence then the said furniture not herein bequeathed to her is to be sold and the proceeds applied as here before stated.

I do give and bequeath

to my sons Solomon Hart and Abraham Heart, the track of land on which they now live lying in Carter County State of Tennessee District No. 8, joining the lands of W. M. Bishop, Peter W. Emmert and thus containing by estimation two hundred acres more ore less to be equally divided between them,

but I require of Solomon Hart and Abraham Hart the maintainance of me and my wife Phebe during our lives to consist of

two hundred pounds of Pork,
thirty bushels of wheat and one hundred
and ten bushels of corn annually,

but at the death of one of us then they are required to pay one half of the above sum during the life time of the other

and further at my death they are required to bury me in a decent manner

and further more my will is that my son Solomon Hart and Abraham Hart jointly and severally pay

to my daughter Susanna Hendrix wife of William Hendirx
to my daughter Polly Nicholes, wife of John Nicholes

each the sum of one hundred twenty five dollars in good trade within three years after my death

also to William Hart my grand son the sum of one hundred dollars

to my daughter Fern Combs wife of Jonathan Combs the sum of twenty-five dollars
to my daugther Sarah Mothon wife of John Mothon

the sum of twenty dollars all of which payments to be made within three years after my death in good trade

also to my daughter, Elizabeth Crow wife of Isaac L. Crow, the sum of fifteen dollars in cash to be paid as soon as they can or in a reasonable time

and Lastly to this end I constitute and appoint Henory Little my sole Executor of this my last will and testament,

hereby revoking all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this 7th, day of February 1849.

his Leonard X Hart mark
Proved and examined in our presence this the 7th, February 1849
By J. L. Tipton & P. W. Emmert

Cattle were vital to a household and an important legacy.
Unweaned cattle are calves.
Female cattle are heifers and cows (had a calf).
Male cattle are steers (castrated) and bulls.
are trained draft animals and are often castrated adult male cattle.

It was common for bequests to include wearing apparel.

Seals were used to authenticate documents and men were expected to have a personal die. Records in deed books are copies and signatures are usually in the clerk’s handwriting. The clerk drew a circle around the word “seal” to indicate that the original document was sealed.

The Holston River flows from Kingsport to Knoxville.
map by Kmusser

The use of the term ye to mean the derives from Early Modern English, in which the was written "þe," employing the Old English letter thorn: "þ."

Ye is also the plural of thou.

The rod or perch or pole is a surveyor's tool equal to 5 1⁄2 yards.

1796 Indenture
to Leonard Hart
Sullivan County Tennessee, DB 6, p. 301
Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 25, 2005
Source: FHL film# 972707 The State of Tennessee Number 2318

To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that in consideration of an Entry made in the office of the Surveyor of the Sixth District of Number [blank] dated the [blank] day of [blank] 18 [blank] founded on a Warrant of Number 224 Issued by William Snodgrass to Leonard Hart for two Hundred & thirty nine Acres of Land, dated the first day of February 1796 there is Granted by the said State of Tennessee unto the said Leonard Hart & his heirs a certain Tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred & thirty acres lying in the County of Sullivan in the district of Washington on the South side of Holston River

Beginning at a Double Lyn Corner
to said Harts former Survey on the River Bank thence up the River South Thirty four East to a white oak on David Webbs Line, Then on said Line South thirty three Poles
to three white oaks Webbs Corner, thence with another Line of said Webb South Fifty Eight and a half West four hundred Poles
to a chesnut oak said Webbs Corner, North Twenty East Seventy Poles
to a stake on Cunninghams Line then North Fifty three East on said Harts line three hundred & Sixty Poles
to the Begining...

An indenture is a legal contract for labor or land. Two copies on the same sheet were separated with a jagged edge so that the two parts could be refitted to confirm authenticity. An indentured servant worked without wages for a specified time to pay a debt and was bound to the employer. In the 17th century, nearly two-thirds of settlers came as indentured servants to pay for their passage.

In the War of 1812 (1812-1815) the United States declared war on England because of trade restrictions, impressment, and British support for Indian attacks. They signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814 after reaching a stalemate.

Sullivan County, Tennessee Deeds
Leonard Hart to John Hart
Sullivan County Deed Book 6, p. 434:
Leonard Hart to John Hart
Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 25, 2005

This Indenture made this 24th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twelve [1812] Between Leonard Hart of the County of Carter and State of Tennessee on the one part and John Hart of the County of Sullivan and State aforesaid on the other part

Witnesseth that the said Leonard Hart for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by the said John the receipt whereof him the said Leonard Doth hereby acknowledge hath given Granted bargained and sold and by these presents Doth give grant Bargain and sell allien Enf??? and Confirm unto the aforesaid John Hart his heirs or assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County of Sullivan aforesaid being part of two tracts of Land one granted to John Petner for four hundred and one acres and the other granted to the aforesaid Leonard Hart for one hundred and thirty acres

  • Begining at George Malones South East corner white oak runing thence North thirty six Degrees East 39 poles to a large Poplar and red oak
  • thence South 49 Degrees East 19 poles to a small Poplar
  • thence North 23 Degrees East twenty five poles to a white oak thence South Sixty five Degrees East forty poles to a white oak
  • thence South thirty five Degrees West fifty seven poles to a white oak
  • thence South thirty Degrees West sixty four poles to a poplar on Webb line
  • thence with the same South 58 and an half west two hundred and sixty poles to three Chesnut oaks
  • thence north twenty Degrees East seventy poles to Cunninghams corner
  • then with his line north 37 west forty poles to Malones corner then with his line north fifty three Degrees East 127 poles to the Begining

Containing ninety five acres more or less, To have and to hold the aforesaid Land and Premises Together with all and Singular the appurtenances to the same Belonging or any wise appertaining to the only proper use and behoof of him the said John Hart his heirs and assigns forever and the aforesaid Leonard doth agree to warrant and forever Defend the aforesaid Land & premises from and against the just or Lawful Claim of all Persons whatsoever

in witness whereof him the said Leonard Hart hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written

Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presents of
Leonard Hart Sr (seal)
James Gregg
John Smith
State of Tennessee Sullivan County
May Session 1813

the Execution of the Deed was Proved in open Court by James Gregg and John Smith Subscribing witnesses thereto let it be Register (Reg'd July 29th 1814)
Test Matthew Rhea
Clk Sulvn Cty

Testis (Test) is latin for witness. Testes is the plural.

Carter County, Tennessee was organized from Washington County on April 9, 1796. Elizabethton is the county seat.

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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