
An American Family History

George Everett

Everett is also spelled Everet, Everette, Everit, and Everitt.
Earmarks are cuts or marks in the ears of animals made to show ownership.

The Society of Friends (Quakers) began in England in the 1650s, when they broke away from the Puritans. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, as a safe place for Friends to live and practice their faith.

George Everett was born in 1700 in Hempstead, Queens (now Nassau) County, New York. His parents were Richard Everett and Elizabeth Clare.

Georg Everit his ear marck is two half peneys on the fore aid of the near ear which was his father Richard Everits marck entred January ye 8 1722-3 by me Tho Gildersleeve Clarck (Records of the Towns of North and South Hempstead, Long Island)

He married Sarah Rushmore about 1720. She was the daughter of Thomas Rushmore and Martha Hicks. The Rushmores were Quakers and founders of the English settlement of Hempstead on Long Island.

George and Sarah's children included:
Elizabeth Everett,
George Everett,
Thomas Everett,
Richard Everett,
Rinear Everett,
William Everett (1736, married Phebe Skidmore),
Benjamin Everett (1738, married Mary Skidmore),
John Everett (did NOT marry Jannetie Bergen),
Sarah Everett (1741, married Daniel Skidmore) and
Daniel Everett.

George died in 1756.

Richard Everett and Elizabeth Clare

  • Abraham Everett
  • Richard Everett
  • Mary Everett Oxley
  • George Everett
  • Hannah Everett van Gelder
  • Nicholas Everett
  • Queens County, New York is on Long Island. Jamaica was called Rustdorp by the Dutch. It was originally settled by English settlers from neighboring Hempstead. Hempstead was founded in 1644 by emigrants led by Reverend Richard Denton. Jamaica and Hempstead are now in Nassau County.



    Coverlets (Coverlid) are woven bedcovers, used as the topmost covering on a bed.

    Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogates Office
    City of New York
    Vol. V. 1754-1760
    Will of George Everett
    Liber 19 Page 398.
    In the name of God, Amen, July 1, 1755.
    I George Everett, of Hempstead, in Queens County, being sick.
    I leave to my Daughter, Elizabeth Everett,

    a plush side saddle and a curb bridle,
    6 red chairs,
    1 billsted table,
    1 Dutch spinning wheel,
    and a feather bed and bedstead now standing in the leanto, and the coverlids.

    I leave to my Son George, 15 shillings.
    To my Son Thomas my new sword.
    To my Sons Richard and Rinear all my looms and tacking for weaving, except one old loom and Quill wheel, which I order to be sold.
    I leave to my Son William, my blue camlet breeches.
    To my Son Benjamin, my old sword and 30 shellings to buy him a gun.
    To my Son John, my silver shoe buckles.
    To my Daughter Sarah a new Dutch spinning wheel.
    To my Son Daniel my silver band buckle.
    All the rest is to be sold by my executors.
    I leave to my Wife Sarah, the use of my real estate during her widowhood, and then to be sold and divided amoung my children.
    My Sons George and Thomas are to have £10 each.
    I make my Wife Sarah and my Son Richard and my friend Benjamin Dusenbury, executors.
    Witnesses, George Rierson, John Hendrickson, Aaron Van Nostrand.
    Proved March 3, 1756.

    A spinning wheel is a device for making thread or yarn. and was an essential part of Early American life. An unmarried woman would often take on the important job of spinning for the household, thus the term "spinster."

    Eastern Long Island was settled at Southold by English Puritans on October 21, 1640. Western Long Island was Dutch. The Conklins and other related families owned the entire area in the 17th century. The Dutch granted an English settlement in Hempstead (now in Nassau) in 1644. In 1664, the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam became English and was renamed New York.

    "Rushmore Family Farm on Long Island" by Leon Augustus Rushmore, Jr. 1996

    The first Rushmore (then spelled Rush) to sail to the New World was Thomas Rushmore, born in Wales in 1605. Together with a group of four Englishmen and three Dutchmen, he came to the New World to settle in 1648. His name first appears as a member of the Hartford, Connecticut Colony, who came from East Anglia. The colonial records of Hartford show on September 6, 1649 Thomas Rushmore was guilty of

    disorderly carriage in the meetinghouse upon Sabbath day" and sentenced him to prison 'till the Court sees cause to free him.

    Some time in 1655 Thomas decided that grass across the Long Island Sound looked greener, and he founded the English settlement of Hempstead in New Netherlands. Although they made agreements with five Indian tribes on Long Island (area would be within Nassau County today) they "agreed to accept the Governor of New Netherlands as their Protector.". . . Thomas Rushmore died some time between April 4 and September 24, 1683. On February 23, 1684 Rushmore’s estate was inventoried and appraised by the Town Assessor.

    In 1659 Thomas Rushmore married Martha Hicks in Hempstead and started to farm and raise Friends Academy family. They had one son, also named Thomas. He died in 1682 and his son and wife continued to farm. During the next five generations, the Quaker traditions were carried on. Rushmores continued to earn their living from the land.

    The New England Meetinghouse was the only municipal building in a town. Both worship and civil meetings were held there. It was customary for men and women to sit separately and the town chose a committee once a year to assign seats according to what was paid, age, and dignity.
    American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.

    Collections of the New York Historical Society, p. 210

    In the name of God, Amen, June 17, 1774. I, Andrew Skidmore, of Hempsted, in Queens County, on the Island of Nassau, "cordwinder," being in bodily health and strength. "I do order in the first place that all just debts and funeral charges be paid."

    I leave to my wife Abigail £100, and "my best bed and bedstead, and furniture complete for one bed," and a cupboard and all linnen, a tea kettle, spinning wheel, and warming pan,

    and the use of my Great Bible, as long as she liveth, and after that she is Dead I do give my said Bible to my son, Andrew Skidmore.

    All the rest of my estate, real and personal, I order to be sold by my executors. From the proceeds I leave to my beloved grandson, Andrew Golder, £10, when of age.
    To my granddaughter, Abigail Skidmore, £10, when 18.
    To my son Andrew all my wearing clothes.
    To my wife the use of £200, and my executors are to provide provisions for her for six months.
    To my son Andrew £100, after the death of my wife.
    All the rest to my three children, Andrew, Phebe, wife of William Golder, and Mary, wife of Benjamin Everitt.
    I make my wife, and my son Andrew, and my sons-in-law, executors.
    Witnesses, James Everitt, Whitehead Skidmore, John Watts.
    Codicil, June 17, 1774.

    As to the £200, the use of which is left to my wife; after her death, £100 is to go to my son Andrew, and the rest to my other children.

    Proved, October 15, 1774.

    A cordwainer (or cordwinder) made shoes from fine, soft leather. There was a distinction between a cordwainer, who made shoes, and a cobbler who repaired them.

    A bed warmer or warming pan is a metal container with a handle which was filled with hot coals and placed under the bedcovers to warm the bed.
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    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
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    ©Roberta Tuller 2025
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