
An American Family History

Isaac Davis Dwinnell and Rachael Lapointe

Yonge Mills, Leeds Grenville County, Ontario, Canada
Watertown, Jefferson County, New York (?)
Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Canada

Various spellings of Dwinnell
Doenell, Donell, Donnall, Donnell, Duenell, Dunnel, Dunnell, Dwaniel, Dwaniell, Dwainel, Dwennel, Dwinel, Dwinell, Dwinnel, Dwinnill, Dwonill, Dwynel

The united counties of Leeds and Grenville are in southern Ontario, Canada on the border with the United States.The county seat is Brockville.

The Province of Upper Canada was established in 1791 to accommodate Loyalist refugees from the United States. It included all of Southern Ontario and part of Northern Ontario.

The first European settlements in Ontario were after the American Revolution when 5,000 loyalists left the new United States.

Isaac Davis Dwinnell and Rachael Lapointe were married in about 1839. They lived in Yonge Mills, Leeds (now Leeds Grenville) County, Ontario, Canada. 

They (Davis Dwindle) appeared in the 1840 Ontario Census of Yonge on Lot 16, Concession 3. The census counted one man and four women. (Rachel, Isaac, and ??)

Their first four children were probably born in Yonge Mills. Victoria Zellena Dwinnell Miller was born in 1840. 

In 1840 the "Davis Dwindle" household (record 1451) in Yonge consisted of 1 man and 4 women.

In 1841 (Davis Dwinell) was enumerated in the Yonge Census. The household consisted of one man, two women and one girl. (Isaac, Rachel, Victoria, and ??)

Hollan O. Dwinnell was born in 1842, Charles N. Dwinnell was born in 1844 and Sophia Floritine Dwinnell Byrne was born in 1846. The 1848 census of Yonge showed David Dwinell, a tailor, with a total of six in the family. (Isaac, Rachel, Victoria, Hollan, Napoleon, and Sophia) This census record is the last record of Isaac Davis.

Rachel's last two children were born in the United States. Napoleon B. Dwinnell (who later changed his name to Charles) was born in 1848. His family's records indicate that he was born in Watertown, New York. David Lancaster Dwinnell was born in 1851 and he was also born in the United States. 

There is no record of the family in either the United States or Canada in 1850 and 1851.

Rachel married David Lancaster Jones in June, 1852. 

Charles drowned on August 15, 1852 at age eight. A June 5, 2002 letter from the Diocense of Ontario says that he was buried on August 16, 1852 from St. George's Cathedral in Kingston.

Lewis Kossuth Jones was born in 1853 and died in 1854. According to a June 5, 2002 letter from the Diocense of Ontario he was baptized on August 12, 1854 at St. Paul's Church in Kingston.

According to the city directory, in 1855 David Jones was in Kingston on Barrie Street.

Ida Ann Jones was born September 8, 1856 in Kingston, Ontario. According to a June 5, 2002 letter from the Diocense of Ontario she was baptized on January 22, 1857 at St. James's Anglican Church in Kingston, Ontario. She died as an infant on October 3, 1859.

Genevieve E. Jones Marvin was born in 1858. Ida Ann Jones died in 1859. 

In 1861, the family was living in Kingston. They lived in the Frontenac Ward on North Colborne near Clergy Street in a frame house with two floors. 

In 1861 the family consisted of David Jones who was a 32 year old carpenter, Rachel Jones who was 42, Geneva Jones age three, Victoria Dwinnell age 21, Hollon C. Dwinnell age 20, a plumber, Sophia F. age 15, Napoleon B. age 12, and David L. age ten. They belonged to the Church of England. The household also included Abraham and Genevieve Lapointe.

Sophia married in 1863 in Montréal and Victoria was a witness at the wedding. Hollan married about 1865.

According to the city directory, in 1865, David Jones, ship carpenter was on (h) Sydenham and (nr) Colborne.

Victoria married in Kingston in 1867. 

At the time of the 1871 census, David and Rachel Jones and the Millers were still in Kingston. Hollan was also in Kingston.

Rachel died in 1874 in Kingston. Napoleon, who had changed his name to Charles, was in Ottawa between 1875-1879 and Hollan died in 1877 in Ottawa.

About 1880, Victoria, Genevieve, Charles and their families immigrated to the United States and lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1881 David Jones married Napoleon/Charles' sister-in-law and the Byrnes were living in the St. Anne Ward, Montréal, Québec. Hollan's family was living in Ottawa. 

In 1884 and 1889, David Jones, carpenter was living at 204 Montreal.

David Jones died March 8, 1891.

Three daughters of William Towne and Joanna Blessing were wrongly accused of practicing witchcraft in Salem. Rebecca Towne Nurse, Mary Towne Estey, and Sarah Towne Bridges Cloyes were persecuted in 1692. The children of people in the line below are all descendants of Mary Estey.

William Towne,
Mary Towne Estey,
Isaac Estey,
Aaron Estey
Mary Estey Dwinnell
Israel Dwinnell,
Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Sr.,
Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Jr.
Victoria Zellena Dwinnell
Robert Wilson Miller, Sr
Robert Wilson Miller, Jr.

Yonge Mills, Ontario was in Front of Yonge Township near Brockville. It is north east of Kingston and north of Watertown, New York. It is now a ghost town. In the mid 19th century, Yonge Mills, was a busy and prosperous village with a population of about 175. It had a sawmill and a fulling mill. There were hotels with taverns and a general store. The village also included two blacksmiths and a church.

The name Lapointe is a dit name. It could have been a nickname for a soldier (the point of a lance) or for a family who lived on a point of land.

In 1841 the Act of Union united Upper and Lower Canada (which became Canada West and East) into the Province of Canada, under one government, with Kingston as capital.



Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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