
An American Family History

Hannah Dwinnell Wheeler

Various spellings of Dwinnell
Doenell, Donell, Donnall, Donnell, Duenell, Dunnel, Dunnell, Dwaniel, Dwaniell, Dwainel, Dwennel, Dwinel, Dwinell, Dwinnel, Dwinnill, Dwonill, Dwynel

New Hampshire was first settled by Europeans in 1623. It was separated from Massachusetts in 1679.
Women played an essential role in American society as mothers and homemakers.

Hannah Dwinnell Wheeler was born on October 17, 1761 in Boxford Essex County, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Benjamin Dwinnell and Mary Estey.

She married Jesse Wheeler on September 14, 1782 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire. The Reverend Aaron Hall performed the ceremony. Jesse was born on November 24, 1757. His parents were Abraham Wheeler and Hannah Wood.

Hannah and Jesse's children were listed in The History of the Wheeler Family in America published in 1914 by the American College of Genealogy. They included:

Jesse Wheeler (May 17, 1783, married Sally Morgan),
Aaron Wheeler (May 30, 1785),
Hannah Wheeler (1787),
Philectia Wheeler (1789, married John M. Stevens),
Benjamin Wheeler (1790, died age 23),
Abraham Wheeler (1792, married Amanda Taylor),
Abel Wheeler (1795),
Dolly Wheeler (1797),
Archibald Wheeler (1800),
Lyman Wheeler (1800),
Almon Wheeler (1802, married Olive Lucina Freelove),
Harry Wheeler (1805), and
Maryane Wheeler (1808).

On September 7, 1780, they purchased some land below the Dimicks in Sullivan, Cheshire County, New Hampshire on the west side of Hubbard Hill, and settled there.

On October 17, 1792 Jesse and Hannah were part of the group of twenty-two original members of the First Congregational Church of Sullivan.

Hannah died on November 10, 1841 in Pittsford, Rutland County, Vermont. Jesse died April 22, 1844 in Blooming Valley, Crawford County, Pennsylvania.

Children of Benjamin Dwinnell
and Mary Estey

  • Jonathan Dwinnell
  • Thomas Dwinnell
  • Mary Dwinnell Pomeroy
  • Elizabeth Dwinnell Banks
  • Abigail Dwinnell Francis
  • Hannah Dwinnell Wheeler
  • Benjamin Dwinnell
  • Israel Dwinnell
  • Sarah Dwinnell Colony
  • Esther Dwinnell Metcalf
  • Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire was settled after 1736 and was a fort protecting Massachusetts during the French and Indian Wars. It was called Upper Ashuelot. When New Hampshire separated from Massachusetts in 1741 it became Keene, New Hampshire. During King George's War, the village was attacked and burned.

    Three daughters of William Towne and Joanna Blessing were wrongly accused of practicing witchcraft in Salem. Rebecca Towne Nurse, Mary Towne Estey, and Sarah Towne Bridges Cloyes were persecuted in 1692. The children of people in the line below are all descendants of Mary Estey.

    William Towne,
    Mary Towne Estey,
    Isaac Estey,
    Aaron Estey
    Mary Estey Dwinnell
    Israel Dwinnell,
    Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Sr.,
    Isaac Davis Dwinnell, Jr.
    Victoria Zellena Dwinnell
    Robert Wilson Miller, Sr
    Robert Wilson Miller, Jr.


    Boxford, Essex County, Massachusetts is approximately 25 miles north of  Boston. Boxford was set apart from Rowley Village and incorporated in 1685.

    John Adams, Jr. (1735-1826) was the second president of the United States (1797–1801), the first Vice President (1789–1797).

    The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America and was ratified in 1789.



    From: History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania
    Published byWarner, Beers & Co., Chicago 1885

    Abraham Wheeler was born in New Hampshire August 13, 1793, and in 1819 emigrated with his family from Genesee County, N. Y., and settled on Tract 1597 in the northern part of the township. He was a man of great determination and force, which he expended in clearing a large farm. Late in life he removed to Sparta Township, where he died March 17, 1876, leaving a large family.
    Europeans first settled New Hampshire in the 1620s.

    Jesse Wheeler . . .of Keene bought a part of the second lot of the sixth range, Sept. 7, 1780, . . . Mr. Wheeler must have lived nearly twenty years upon his home lot before he actually purchased it, or before the deed was signed. Such occupancy before purchase was not  unusual in those days.

    Mr. Wheeler was a very eccentric man. Like Micawber, one of the characters of Dickens, he talked as if he were a  man of means and intelligence, while being really very poor in purse and not unusually gifted intellectually. His rude house was never finished. It was only one end of what he boasted that the completed structure was to be. He used to speak of his "square room", however, as if it were actually built. One day some boys of the neighborhood called at his door and asked him if they could engage "his square room for a ball, in order that the beautiful room might  have a suitable dedication". The old man was a very devout churchman, and he regarded the request as a double insult, in violating his religious scruples on one hand, and mocking his poverty on the other. 

    Shortly after, he sold his land to Joshua Osgood, in two deeds bearing the dates of Feb. 24, 1801, and Jan. 26, 1802, respectively. In the summer of 1802, he left town and probably went to Hinsdale, in which town he had purchased land of Walter Wheeler, as early as July 9, 1799. This old cabin was never again used, and the farm was added to the already large farm of Joshua Osgood.

    Most Americans were farmers in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

    ©Roberta Tuller 2025
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