
An American Family History

Thankful Davis Hinds

Learn more about the Hinds Family
Early European settlers in the American colonies were mostly farmers and craftsmen. They had to work hard to provide daily neccesities for themselves.

Thankful Davis Hinds was born on January 7, 1730/31 in Littleton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Her parents were Simon and Jane Davis.

She married Jacob Hinds on February 26, 1749/50 in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. They were married by the Reverend, Mr. Palatiah Webster. Jacob was born on January 22, 1731 in Shrewsbury. His parents were Jacob Hinds and Grace Morse.

Thankful and Jacob's children included:
Sarah Hinds (April 20, 1751) and
John Bradford Hinds (February 22, 1753, married Susanna Tenney). 

Thankful probably died in childbirth when John Bradford was born. She was only 22 years old.

Jacob married Tryphena Keyes on November 24, 1756. Tryphena was born January 5, 1730/31 in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Her parents were Ebenezer Keyes and Tamar Wheelock.

Jacob died when he was 30 on May 16, 1761 in Warren, Worcester County, Massachusett.

Tryphena married Moses Tyler in Warren on June 16, 1772. She died there on January 28, 1788.

Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th,. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year. Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are used to indicate whether the year has been adjusted. Often both dates are used.

Some Puritans gave their children hortatory names (from the Latin for “encourage”) like Thankful, hoping that the children would live up to them. The names were used for several generations.

Mister ( Mr.) was derived from master and Mrs. and Miss were derived from mistress. They indicated people of superior social status in colonial America.

Littleton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts was first settled in 1686 by English settlers and was the the location of the Native American village called Nashoba Plantation

Children of Simon and Jane Davis
  • Captain Simon Davis
  • Captain Isaac Davis
  • Jane Davis
  • Thankful Davis Hinds
  • Bettey Davis Emmons
  • Mary Davis
  • Dinah Davis Hildreth
  • Olive Davis Wheeler
  • Elias Davis
  • Lieutenant Ebenezer Davis
  • Lydia Davis Davis
  • Childbirth was was perilous. Around 1.5 percent of births ended in the mother's death. Since women gave birth to many children, chances of dying in childbirth were quite high.
    The town common (commons) was a small, open field at the center of the town which was jointly owned. It was used as a marketplace, a place for the militia to drill, or for grazing livestock.




    Quabbin was also called Quaker Plain and Narragansett. Quabbin is now under the Quabbin reservoir.

    History and Genealogy of the Hinds Family, by Albert Henry Hinds published by Higginson Book Company, 1899

    Jacob Hinds, son of Jacob and Grace (Morse) Hinds (John, James), born in Shrewsbury, Mass., Jan. 22, 1731, and died some time between 1764 and 1770; married in Greenwich, Mass., Feb. 26, 1750, Thankful Davis, daughter of Lieutenant Simon Davis.

    Children, born in Quobbin (Greenwich), Mass.
    i . Sarah, b. April 20, 1751. Nothing further known of her.
    ii. John Bradford, b. Feb. 22,1753.

    Greenwich, Hampshire County, Massachusetts was incorporated in 1749 and dissolved in 1938. It was renamed from Quabbin in 1754 .
    American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (or li) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.

    Moses Tyler (John), born in Tolland, Conn., February 25, 1730; died about 1777; married Widow Tryphena (Keyes) Hinds, of Warren, Mass.

    Moses has a deed from John Davies, of Western, May 5, 1764, interest in four lots in Shrewsbury, Mass., the consideration being £38, 10s.

    He was probably a private in the Revolution and appears on a return of Captain Harwood, of Colonel Learned's regiment, dated October 7, 1775.

    Abner Tyler (his brother) was appointed guardian of the children, who were all minors at the time of the death of Moses.

    Moses lived in Warren and the children were born there. Children:
    Moses Tyler, born in 1764.
    John Tyler, born in 1766.
    Isaac Tyler, born Nov. 16, 1767.
    Sarah Tyler, born in 1770; published, Oct. 8, 1789, to Rufus Barrett, of West Brookfield, Mass. In 1784 she chose Pattridge, of Western, as guardian.
    They moved to Canada.
    Tamar Tyler, born in 1773.

    Guardianship is when a court gives an adult custody of a child and/or the responsibility of managing the child's property. Before women could own property, guardians were appointed for their minor children if their husband died.
    Colonial Maryland
    Colonial New England
    Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
    Quakers & Mennonites
    New Jersey Baptists
    German Lutherans
    Watauga Settlement
    Pennsylvania Pioneers
    Midwest Pioneers
    Jewish Immigrants

    ©Roberta Tuller 2019
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