Richard Beard, boatright, with dower released by Susannah Beard,
granted to Francis Mead, AA, planter,
28/29 Oct. 1702, for 2,860 lbs. tobacco,
130 acres of Huckleberry Forrest,
granted Richard Beard by patent of 1 Oct. 1687,
by Wolf Pitt Branch, by line of Lewis Addition, by Cattaile Creek.
Francis Mead,
AA, planter, with dower released by Ann Mead,
granted 28/29 Oct. 1702,
for 1,408 lbs. tobacco
64 acres of Bare Neck south of Magaty R.
part of 225 acres granted 24 Sep. 1680 to Francis Mead
on the north side of Beards Creek. Wit. Thomas Danson & Wm. Mead
Anne Arundel County Circuit Court
Huckleberry Forrest, 1611 Acres;
PatentDeveloper/Owner: Beard, Richard
1687 Patent Record NS 2, p. 564 0 0 MSA S 1581-2534
Bare Neck, 290 Acres;
Patent Developer/Owner: Beard, Richard
1687 Patent Record NS 2, p. 388 0 0 MSA S 1581-452
Pound, 68 Acres;
PatentDeveloper/Owner: Beard, Richard
1687 Patent Record NS 2, p. 573 0 0 MSA S 1581-3850
Fortaine, 148 Acres;
PatentDeveloper/Owner: Beard, Richard
1696 Patent Record CC 4, p. 134 0 0 MSA S 1581-1651
Wheeler's Lot, 150 Acres;
Unpatented Certificate
Developer/Owner: Beard, Richard
1735 Unpatented Certificate 443 0 0 MSA S 1581-5105
Maryland was established with religious freedom for Catholics. The colonial economy was based on tobacco cultivated by Africans who had been enslaved.
from Maryland Assembly Records,
Appendix to Council Proceedings, 1696-1729. 595 Ships built in Maryland.
Maryland, Sct. In obedience to an Ordr of his Excy the Govr and Council bearing date the 28th day of May 1697, Commanding the severll Sherifis of this Province to make strict enquiry of what Shipps and Vessels trading to Sea have been built within their respective Countys since his Majtys happy Reign, as also what Sloops and Shaliops to the County belong, and what are now a building, together with the number of seafaring men. Pursuant whereto they make their Returns, vizt.:
The Susannah Brigantine, built by Richard Beard, Commanded by Edward Baiter, bound to New England and lost att Cape May three years since.
One Brigandyne in building by Mr. Jno. Buck of Bytheford
One Vessel in Building by Thomas Hardin, Jno. Baldwin, Neal Clarke [Jr.], Tho. Rutland, Richd Snowden and some others who expect to be fitted to Sea by the Spring and design for Barbadoes. Comanded by Tho. Goodwin, have shippt no men yet. In all, 8 Sloops built within this County.
In contracts and pleadings usually people and things mentioned before are designated by the term said (sd ) for clarity.
Aforesaid (afd, afsd, aforesd ) means it was already mentioned.
The Deposition of Richd Beard of the port of Annapolis Aged fforty four Years or thereabouts.
Mr Beards Deposicon abt the sd Coll. Cood
This Depon[en]tSayth. That about three weeks agoe, being in Company with Mr. John Cood of St Maries County at Mr Nicholas Spourns House within the Port aforesd
the sd Cood (after some discourse passed betwixt them) asked the Depon[en]twhether he never Read in Scripture that Christ turn'd Severall Divills out of Severall women,
& another person standing by said Yes, he turn'd Seaven out of Mary Magdalin;
Whereupon Coodanswered with an Oath Saying, by God it was all lyes for that the Divell never was in Woman and therefore could not turn any out, and further Saith not.
September the 22d 1696.
Mr Beard sworne before his Exncy & Councill &cca
Then came the above Depon[en]tbefore his Exncy in Councill and made Oath upon the holy Evangelist and that the above Deposition is true.
Hon: Denton CI Concil.
The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.
American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (orli) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency.
The Upper House. 345 (vol. 24)
By the house of Delegates.
Aprill 29th 1704.
Wee herewith send an Acco[unt]t laid before this house by the Widdow Beard Demanding pay for cleansing Arms &c.
And Since her Ma[ges]ty has been Graciously pleas'd to Direct three pence of the 12d p hhd to be apply'd to Supply the country with Arms &c. And that preserving them are necessary as purchasing them And that part has been so apply'd
Wee humbly referr the said Accot & all others of that nature to yor Excy to cause them to be Examin'd & that you will please to Ordr the charge thereof to be Defray'd out of the said Revennue Sign'd p Ordr
W Taylard Clk house Del
346 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 3, 1704.
Mrs Susanna Beards petition for keeping & cleansing the publiq Arms stated & Dischardged to this Day as well for the ballance due to her late Husband Mr Richard Beard as herself & Ordered that George plater Esq her Matys Recr of the District of puttuxent pay her in full therefore the Sume of Sterl.
Mister ( Mr.) was derived from master and Mrs. and Miss were derived from mistress. They indicated people of superior social status in colonial America.