
An American Family History


Taylor Family


The Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia borders Maryland and Virginia. The first European settlers started arriving about 1730.


Samuel Taylor, Sr. was born about 1700 in Delaware.

Samuel married Rachael Leiper.

Samuel's children may have included:
John Taylor (1738, married Blanch Lemen)
Samuel Taylor, Jr. (1742, married Sarah Stewart)

Samuel owned land in "New Castle County and Kent upon Delaware" and in the town of Salisbury.

They Taylors were early settlers in, what is now, the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. On October 3, 1734, Samuel was granted two tracts totaling 325 acres in Jefferson County, Virginia which is now in West Virginia.

Samuel's will written on November 2, 1760 and proved on August 4, 1762. His wife Rachael and William Morgan were executors.


West Virginia is located in the Appalachians and was originally part of Virginia. The capital and largest city is Charleston. It became a state during the Civil War and was admitted to the Union on June 20, 1863.

John Taylor was born about 1738.

He married Blanche Lemen.

Blance and John's children may have included:

Levi Taylor (1758, married Frances Graham)
Susannah Taylor (1759, married William Hendrix),
William Taylor (1768, married Elizabeth Blackwood),
John Taylor (1769, married Catherine Osborne), and
Sarah Taylor (1771, married David Osborne).

From Frederick County Road Orders

6 March 1770, Frederick County Order Book 14 Part 2, p. 590
Upon the Petition of Samuel Beall praying that a Road may be opened out of the main Road Leading from Jacob Hites to Mecklenburg through Fosters Land to the Ferrying Water & also to the Ford of Potomack. Ordered that John Taylor John Wright James Hendricks & William Dark or any Three of them being first sworne do veiw the same & report the Conveniences & Inconveniences that may attend the same




from Taylor, Hager, and Related Families by Clara Sesler Genther, page 120

John Taylor and Blanche Taylor... res. Northern Virginia near Harper's Ferry, parish of Norbourne, Berkeley County. He was owner of a considerable estate.

There is a note that John Taylor went with Captain William Morgan to survey in Kentucky in 1779.

John willed land in Clark Co., KY to his children.

In the History of Berkeley County, there is a note that John Taylor and Samuel (his brother) were on the first grand jury for that county.

Also there is a note of the payment to John Taylor of 1 pound, 5 shillings for one old wolf.







Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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