The Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia borders Maryland and Virginia. The first European settlers started arriving about 1730.
Berkeley County, Virginia was created from the northern third of Frederick County, Virginia in 1772. Jefferson County was formed from the county's eastern section. In 1863 Berkeley County became part of the new state of West Virginia.
Robert Buckles, Sr., was born on May 15, 1702, in Yorkshire, England.
Robert first settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
He married Ann Brown in 1727.
Robert and Ann's children included:
James Buckles (1732),
Abraham Buckles, Sr. (1736, married Mary McEvars)
Robert Buckles, Jr. (1740, married Rachel Van Meter),
William Buckles (1743, married Priscilla Hendricks, daughter of James Hendricks)
Mary Elizabeth Buckles (1744, married William Osborne), and
Jane Buckles (1744/45, married Daniel Hendricks).
The Buckles were early settlers in, what is now, the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. They probably arrived about 1727.
From Frederick County Road Orders
8 August 1754, Frederick County Order Book 6, p. 36
Ordered that Thomas Shepard Jacob Van meter and Robert Buckles being first sworn do view and mark a Road from Catons Ford the most convenient and best way to Vestals Gap and make report to next Court
2 April 1755, Frederick County Order Book 6, p. 207
Ordered that William Stroop be continued Overseer of the Road from Buckles’ marsh to where it intercepts the Road leading to Reubin Rutherfords and it is further Ordered that the Tithables within the following bounds keep the same in Repair according to Law viz up Buckles marsh to the old Wagon Road at Thomas Harts and down the Belhaven Road to Shanando, down Shanando to the mouth, up Potomack to Buckles’ marsh
9 September 1762, Frederick County Order Book 10, p. 196
Ordered that Robert Buckles be appointed Overseer of the Road leading from Swearingens Ferry to Keyses Ferry, from Swearingens to Melchiah Inglis Branch and Thomas Hart from the said branch to Keyses Ferry and that the Tithables two miles on each side the said road work thereon under them
In 1756 and 1764, Robert was on the rent roll of Frederick County, Virginia.
In 1772, Berkeley County was created from Frederick County.
In 1772 and 1777, Robert was on the rent roll of Berkeley County, Virginia.
The New River flows through North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. In 1755, Mary Draper Ingles (1732-1815) was captured by Shawnee warriors near Blacksburg and taken to Ohio. She escaped and made her way home by following the Ohio, Kanawha, and New Rivers.
Appalachia was the 18th century backcountry and many settlers were Scots-Irish. It includes southern New York, western Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Virginia, West Virginia, eastern Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee and northern Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.
June 27, 1787
probated on December 21, 1790.
In the name of God amen, I, Robert Buckles of the County of Berkeley, being weak and infirm in body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of my nature and that all men must die, do make this my last will and testament.
Imprimis - I give my soul to God . . .
I do give and devise and bequeath thereof in manner and form following having made provision for my eldest son James, I hereby give and bequeath him one Shilling Sterling and no more.
I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Robert the tract of land I now live on with all its appurtenances to him and his heirs and assigns forever except there out one hundred acres thereof which I direct shall be laid off by my executors at the lower end of the tract by a line across the same which one hundred acres I give and bequeath to my grandson, William Hendricks [son of Daniel Hendricks] and his heirs and assigns forever.
I give and devise to the three sons of my son Abraham deceased, a certain tract of land in the said county and adjoining the ore bank for which I have a patent supposed to contain four hundred acres to them and their heirs forever as tenants in common and should either of them die without issue his part to go to the survivors and their heirs assigns.
I give and device to my grandsons Tobias and Daniel Hendricks, son of Daniel Hendricks deceased, the tract upon whereupon Matthew Magarrough lives containing one hundred and forty five acres and also fifty-five acres which I have laid off for them out of a tract of land adjoining the lands I live on to them and their heirs forever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants.
I also give and devise to my son Robert one hundred acres of the tract adjoining my home plantation which he is now in possession of to him and his heirs forever.
I also give to my grandson William Hendricks the track of land on which he now lives and which I have had laid off for him containing about one hundred and seven acres to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
The remainder of the said tract of about one hundred and forty acres together with all of my personal estate of what nature or kind so ever is to be sold by my executors herein after named or such of them as take upon themselves the execution of this my last will and after the payment of my just debts there out the residue of the money arising therefrom and any other money which may come into their hands
I do give and bequeath to my female grandchildren to be equally divided among them.
I do appoint my son William and my friend John Mark of Shepherds executors of this my will and
I do hereby revoke and disannul all former wills by me heretofore made and this only I declare to be my last will and testament.
Witnessed by Phil Henderson, Thomas Hayle and Jahu Lashells.
American colonists continued to use British monetary units, namely the pound, shilling and pence for which £1 (orli) equalled 20s and 1s equalled 12d. In 1792 the dollar was established as the basic unit of currency. Encyclopedia of British and Early American Coins
from Martinsburg Journal, April 14, 1970
In memory of an American patriot, Robert Buckles, 1702-1790, was honored when member of the Governor Norborne Berkeley Chapter of the Daughters of American Colonists, marked his grave in a tiny family cemetery near Shepherdstown in ceremonies last Saturday. Buckles served as a soldier in a ranger company during the French and Indian Wars, and although he was too old to fight in the Revolutionary War, he was a patriot and assisted in the cause. Three of his sons, James, Robert, Jr., and William served as officers in the Berkeley County Militia during the Revolution. For Buckles' service during the French and Indian Wars, he was given by a court grants of 2,090 acres of land.