
An American Family History


James Robertson

  Also spelled as Robinson, Robison, Robeson, Roberson and Robertson.  

Yokum's Station was the local fort for the Turkey Cove area. Turkey Cove is in Lee County, Virginia which was in Washington County. The fort was built about 1780 by George Yokum.

James Roberson or Robinson was born between 1770 and 1775. His ancestry is unknown.

He lived in Lee County, Virginia. He lived at Turkey Cove near Yokum's Station (or Yoakum Station) now Dryden, on the Wilderness Road, seven miles west of Big Stone Gap in Lee County, Virginia. Some sources say he was a tavern keeper. 

He married Catharina Helvey, about 1810 in Sullivan County, Tennessee or Wythe County, Virginia. She had gone to the Watauga Settlement (Carter County, Tennessee) in 1803 after the false alarm over the death of her first "husband," the trader, Joseph Barron, but perhaps moved with her uncle to Sullivan County and later returned to Wythe County.

James was listed in the 1810 census of Wythe County, Virginia

1 male 26-45 (himself),
1 female 26-25 (wife Catherine),
and 3 females under 10 (step-daughter Joanna, plus two unknowns).

James and Catherine probaby moved to Lee County, Virginia about 1813.

James bought 67 acres on Turkey Creek [Powell's Creek] in Lee County from Jonathan Tipton for $180 on 22 March 1813 (recorded 27 April 1813), and bought 40 acres from Laurence and Barbary Feathers for $113 on 9 August 1814.

James Robertson was listed in the 1820 census of Lee County. The household consisted of

1 male over 45 (himself),
1 female 26-45 (wife Catherine),
1 male 16-26 (step-son Gale Barron),
1 female 16-26 (step-daughter Joanna Barron),
1 female 10-16 (daughter Catherine),
and 3 males under 10 (sons Rufus, Craig, and Benjamin).

James  made his will on January 15, 1835 in Lee County. The will was witnessed by John B. Collier, Francis Gilley, and Isom Collier. It was proved at Lee County on 21 March 1836.

The will devised several tracts of land on both sides of Turkey River (Powell River) to his sons, and stated that his daughter Regina was underage.



Watauga Pioneer Neighbors




Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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