
An American Family History


Feathers Family


In the War of 1812 (1812-1815) the United States declared war on England because of trade restrictions, impressment, and British support for attacks by indigenous Americans. They signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814 after reaching a stalemate.

John Lawrence Feathers was born about 1783 in Virginia

His wife was named Barbara. She was born in 1787 in Pennsylvania.

John and Barbara's children may have included:

William Feathers (1806, married Elizabeth Myers),
John Feathers, Jr. (1807, married Sarah Weaver),
James Feathers (1809, married Christina Myers),
David K. Feathers (1813, married Rebecca Millard),
Caroline Feathers (1817, married William McCart),
Elizabeth Feathers (1818, married Henry Jones),
Susan Feathers (1820, married Jonathan Watson),
Henry Feathers (1823, married Mahala Hatcher),
Samuel Elcaney Feathers (1823, married Dorcas Watson),
Nathan Feathers (1824),
Sarah Feathers (1825, married Joel David Millard)
Jesse Feathers (1825, married Elizabeth Milhorn),
Rachael Feathers (1826, married John A. Larimore)

Isaac Feathers (1831)

John was on the 1811, 1812, and 1813 tax list in Lee County, Virginia.

He said he was drafted on August 15, 1814 in Lee County, Virginia and served under Captain Jeremiah Skelton. He served in Norfolk, Virginia and was discharged February 15, 1815.

In 1830 John L. Feathers was in Piney Flats, Sullivan County, Tennessee. The household consisted :

a man and a woman between 40 & 49 - John & Barbara
a boy between 15 & 19 - James
2 girls and a boy between 10 & 14 - Caroline, Elizabeth, David K.
2 girls and a boy between 5 & 9 - Susan, Henry
2 boys and a girl under 5
- Nathan, Sarah, Jesse Rachel

They were the next household to John Smith and Catherine Humphreys.


a man and a woman between 50 & 59
2 men and 4 women between 20 & 29 - William & wife Elizabeth
a girl between 15 & 19
a girl and a boy between 10 & 14 - Jesse & Rachel
a girl between 5 & 9 - Margaret & Henry (children of William)


At the time of the 1850 census they were in Sullivan County. The household consisted of

John 67
Barbara 63
Nathan 25
Henry 27
Jessee 23
Rachel 24
Margaret 19

On April 5, 1871, John L. Feathers applied for a pension for his service in the War of 1812. He stated that he was 94 years old and resided in Washington County, Tennessee. His request was rejected.

East Tennessee is part of Appalachia. At the end of the French and Indian War, colonists began drifting into the area. In 1769, they first settled along the Watauga River. During the Revolution, the Overmountain Men defeated British loyalists at the Battle of Kings Mountain. The State of Franklin was formed in the 1780s, but never admitted to the Union.



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from Lee County, Virginia Deeds; Book 2, pg 363;

Joseph Head and Christian Plank
to Lawrence Feathers,
made 21 Feb 1811,
recorded 27 Aug 1811.
150 acres Lee County
Boundaries mentioned; Davis's line, and crosses Buck Branch.
Wit; Absalom Teckle, James (x) King, Abraham (x) Myers;
S.S./ Joseph Head, Christian (x) Plank


Yokum's Station was the local fort for the Turkey Cove area. Turkey Cove is in Lee County, Virginia which was in Washington County. The fort was built about 1780 by George Yokum.

from Lee County, Virginia Deeds; Book 6 page 324;

Lawrence Feathers and Barbary his wife of Sullivan Co, State of Tennessee,
to John France and Mary Ann his wife, Margaret, Joseph, Julian, Catherine, Ealsy, Emila, and Saml A. Duff, Heirs of Samuel Duff deceased.

Made 15 Aug 1811, recorded 17 Apr 1832,
50 acres in Lee Co, in Turkey Cove, on the waters of Powells River
land on which Saml Duff resided and whigh Feathers purchased of Capt. Joseph Head and bounded by lands of Randle Collier, James Robinson, and others.
Part of a larger tract of 150 acres granted by State of Va to Joseph Head and Christopher Plank by patent dated 2 Apr 1810 ;
S.S/ Lawrence (x) Feathers, Barbary (x) Feathers;


from Lee County, Virginia Court Order Book 2 (1814-1818); page 47;

An indenture of bargain and sale for land between Joseph Head and Laurence Feathers of the one part and William Yates of the other part admitted to record upon the certificate of John Howard and Isaac Fulkerson two magistrates of the County of Lee bearing date the 18 day of Aug 1814; Recorded 25 Oct 1814


from Lee County, Virginia Court Order Book 2 (1814-1818); page 47;

An indenture of bargain and sale for land betwen laurence Feathers of the one part and James Robonson of the other part admitted to record upon the certificate of Isaac Fulkerson and John Howard two Magistrates of the County of Lee bearing date the 18th day of Aug 1814, recorded 25 Oct 1814


from Lee County, Virginia Deeds; Book 3, pg 92; 

Lawrence Feathers and Barbary his wife to James Robinson made 9 aug 1814,
recorded 18 Aug 1814,
40 acres in Lee Co,
boundaries mentioned; Collier's line.
S.S./ Lawrence Feathers, Barbara Feathers;
wit. in Court.


from Lee County, Virginia Deeds; Book 3, page 112;

Joseph Head and Lawrence Feathers to William Yates.
Made 9 Aug 1814, recorded 18 Aug 1814.
175 acres in Lee Co
Joseph Head living on the land
S.S./ Joseph Head, Mary (x) Head, Lawrence (x) Feathers, Barbarah Feathers



Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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