
An American Family History


The Epperson Family
in Washington County, Virginia

  also spelled Apperson  
The Holston River flows from Kingsport to Knoxville.
map by Kmusser

Antoine "Anthony" Epperson was born on November 6, 1730, in Goochland, Virginia. He married Susannah Holland in Bedford County, Virginia in 1775.

Samuel Epperson
William Epperson
Anthony Epperson (1770)
Benjamin Epperson (1775)

Anthony Epperson was an early member of the Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church.

During the War of 1812, from October 12, 1813 to February 8, 1814, Thomas and Benjamin Epperson were in McLin's Company.

In 1814 Benjamin, Thomas, and Samuel Epperson were in Washington County, Tennessee.

Thomas Epperson was on the Revolutionary War pension list in Jonesborough, Tennessee.

He died on November 14, 1814

In the War of 1812 (1812-1815) the United States declared war on England because of trade restrictions, impressment, and British support for Indian attacks. They signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814 after reaching a stalemate.


Anthony Epperson was born on February 22, 1770.

He married Ellender Divers

Mary Edna Epperson (1805),
Aphrey Epperson (1807), and
Peter Epperson (1809).

He was in Washington County, Tennessee in 1814.

He died on March 4, 1839 in Smith, Tennessee, at the age of 69.


In October of 1786, at the organization of the Holston Association, in the meeting-house of the old Cherokee Church, the names of Jonathan Mulkey and Anthony Epperson appear in the minutes as "messengers" from Kendrick's Creek (now Double Springs) Church; of which church he was doubtless the founder and first pastor.

He was also pastor of Buffalo Ridge, Cherokee, Sinking Creek, Muddy Creek, and other churches. He was a strong preacher of the true pioneer spirit, and more inclined to do active evangelistic work than to be pastor of churches. He was a leader in the Holston Association for many years; for seven years was its moderator.


In 1795, Peter Epperson was on a jury in Washington County, Virginia and

Ordered that a road be laid out the nearest and best way form Christopher Choat’s old place the nearest and best way towards Greenhine [Greeneville] and that Joseph Barnes, Wm Hall, John Foard, Baretha Odnale, Andrew Thompson, Joseph Martin, Shaderick Hale, John Wheelock, Charles Kenchlow, George Kinchlow, Danniel McFerin and Peter Epperson be a jury to view and lay out same.


Thomas Epperson was born about 1758 and was living in Washington County, Virginia when he enlisted for the third time in 1782 under Sevier.


John Epperson was born before 1765.

He married Elizabeth Bowen.

John was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, serving in the 14th Virginia Regiment with his father, David. After the War, John and his wife, Elizabeth, were known to be living on Epperson Mountain in Albemarle County, Virginia in 1799. Their home was a plantation of four hundred acres with two houses and several small outer buildings. John and Elizabeth sold their home 28 November 1799. This was about the time of the death of his father. 

\In his father's will, John was bequeathed one-half his father's property. He sold this share of his inherited property to his brother, Charles, on 17 April 1800. He then moved his family to Lincoln County, Kentucky. 

At the time of the 1810 census, John Epperson was in Washington County, Virginia. The household consisted of:

a man over 45
a woman between 26 and 44
3 men and 2 women between 16 and 25
a boy between 10 and 15
5 boys and 2 girls under 10
5 enslaved people


Gabriel Epperson was born about 1770 in Virginia. His father was Francis Epperson.

He married Jane Harley.

At time of the 1810 census, Gabriel was in Washington County, Virginia. The household consisted of

of a man and a woman between 26 and 44,
1 girl between 16 and 25
3 boys and a girl under 10
an enslaved person

At the time of the 1840 and 1850 census he was in Sullivan County, Tennessee.


Asa Epperson was born about 1792. He was the son of John Epperson (1761) and Elizabeth Bowen.

He married Leah Barron.

Thomas Epperson (1815)
Ira Epperson (1816)
Nancy Serena Epperson (1818),
Gilbert John Epperson ( 1820),
Delena Lucina Epperson (1822),
Lavina Epperson (1825),
James Terrell Epperson (1827),
William Green Epperson (1831),
Milton Asa Epperson (1834).

In 1840 an Asa Epperson family was in Fulton, Fountain County, Indiana, but it doesn't quite match. Leah is not included

A man over 50 - Asa born 1792, age 48
2 girls and a boy between 15 and 19, Gilbert, Delena, Lavina
a boy between 10 and 14, James
2 boys between 5 and 9 William, Asa
a boy under 5

The next household was William Epperson.

Asa died on October 30, 1847 in Lovila, Monroe County, Iowa.

In 1850

Leah Epperson age 55
James Epperson age 22
William Epperson age 19
Asa Epperson age 17

In 1863 Thomas Epperson was witness to Thomas Barron's will

Indiana became a state in 1819. The north was settled by people from New England and New York, the center by people from the Mid-Atlantic states and Ohio, and the south by people from Southern states, particularly Kentucky and Tennessee.

James Epperson was born about 1793. He married Cassandra King.

Leander Epperson (1727),
William Epperson (1729).


Benjamin Epperson was born about 1797 in Washington County, Virginia.

He married Nancy Barron on October 19, 1816 in Washington County, Tennessee.

Nancy Surena Epperson (1818)
Benjamin Epperson Jr. (1819).


In 1823 Benjamin left his family and took his son with him

After heleft, Nancy married John Crouch on November 2, 1818.

The the time of the 1830 census he was in Perry County, Tennessee with his brothers James Asa, John, Thomas, Peter.

They left Tennessee for Fountain County, Indiana in 1832.




The Cherokee were indigenous people who lived in the southern Appalachian mountains. European Americans called their towns in eastern Tennessee, the Overhill Towns. The towns included Chota, Tellico and Tanasi.

In 1776, the Cherokee planned to drive settlers out of the Washington District. The settlers were warned and stopped the first attack at Heaton's Station. The second attack was stopped at Fort Watauga. In response to these attacks, the militia burned Tuskegee and Citico.

In 1780, while the militia was away at the Battle of Kings Mountain, the Cherokee raided the setttlements. When the militia returned, Colonel John Sevier's men defeated the Cherokee at Boyd's Creek and destroyed most of the remaining towns.

Thomas Epperson's Pension Application
Hawkins County, Tennessee

On this 24th day of June 1834 personally appeared Thomas Epperson resident of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee aged seventy four years of age [born 1758]...

I entered the service of the united states under the following named officers an served as herein stated-

I entered the service of the united states in the year 1779 as a private vollunteer under the Command of
Colo. Joseph Williamss
Capt. Pleasant Henderson
John Colbert Lieutenant
In the County of Surrey North Carolina

we rendezvoused at Surrey Courthouse on the [thirteenth?] day of August as well as I can recollect in the year 1779

and marched under the Command of the before mentioned officers as a guard out on the frontier,

we marched on a cross the blue ridge at the flower gap went through Montgomery County State of Virginia

and Crossed New river at Harbards Ferry [Herbert's Ferry now called Jackson Ferry]

and on to the long Islands of Holston river where here we lay all night at a place called Etons fort

we went next day after some Indians that had done some mischief to the family of Ano Russel but we could not find them.

We then came on through Washington County Va and on through Sullivan County now Tennessee State and crossed Clinch river and Powels mountain and on to Cumberland gap where we lay some time.

We then returned back nearly the same route untill we arrived at the the long Island of Holston where we were discharged.

I received my discharge from Colo. Williams which I have since lost. I returned home the tenth of December, 1779 being gone four months.

In the year 1780 I vollunteered myself again in the regiment of
Colo. Henry Clark
Capt. Benjamin Clark and
Lieut. John Wheeler
on the fifteenth of Novm. in Sullivan County State of North Carolina now Tennessee

we marched on against the Cherokee Indians, crossed French broad river at the big Island and

on to the Cherokee nation to a town called Chota where we lay some time

we were marching about after Indians to different places we went to another Indian town called Chilhawed

we went about to different towns while we lay there the names of which I cannot now recollect taking prisoners in many places and killing some untill we started home

we returned home near the same route as well as I recollect and got home some where between the fifteenth of February and first of March 1781 being gone three months.

I received no discharge upon my return.

The first part of September 1782 I vollunteered myself again under the command of
Colo. John Sevier
Capt. [Arnis?] Bird
Lieut. Gragg

in order to go out against a body of the Cherokee Indians. I was then living in Washington County State of North Carolina now State of Tennessee.

We marched on towards the Indian nation crossing french broad river and Tennessee river

and on to a creek called Chicamagy we lay there a few days ranging after Indians we went on to the head of Coosry river

from there we went on to the Highwassey river then we returned to Chota Town and lay some time

from there we returned Home the first of Novm. 1782 being gone two months and I never went out any more.

This declarent says he was told that soldiers who served against the Indians in time of the revolutionary war could not draw at least, this declarent never knew he was Intitled to a pension untill lately is the cause he did not apply sooner. He declares he has no documentary evidence of his service nor can he procure any evidence of the same. Hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

Thomas his X mark Epperson

Sworn to and subscribed this 24th of June 1834 before me
Shadrach Epperson

State of Tennessee
Hawkins County

We Moses McGinis Clergyman a resident of the County of Hawkins and Capt. James Byrd residing in the same do hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Thomas Epperson who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be seventy four years of age that he is reputed and believed in the neighbourhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion.

Moses McGinnis Clergyman
James Byrd

European and indiginous American fought fierce battles, sometimes called the Indian Wars, as the Europeans expanded their territory.


Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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