
An American Family History

Fairfield, Bath Township, Greene County, Ohio


Fairfield is the oldest village in Bath Township and was first settled in the year 1799.

Jacob Wilson left Virginia in 1790 for Clark County, Kentucky and then in 1802, settled near the village of Fairfield.

The town was laid out in 1816. The village was laid out on the main road between Springfield and Dayton.

The earliest settlers were Joseph Tatman, who came from Kentucky, the Reads, Samuel and William Casad, the Halls, the Haddoxes, and the Coxes.

The first school house was built in 1829.

The first dry-goods and grocery store was opened by Daniel Shoup in 1832.

In 1950 the villages of Fairfield and Osborn merged and became Fairborn.



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Head of Household from to notes

Andrews, William


Bacon, Azra


Baker, Francis


Baker, Stephan H


Beatman, Jeremiah


Bradley, John


Browder, James


Browder, William


Brown, George


Brown, Margret


Carpenter, John


Casad, Aaron, Jr. married Rhoda

born 1776 buried Fairfield Cemetery -

Casad, Aaron, Sr.


Casad, Abner


Casad, Benjamin


Casad, Jacob


Casad, John


Casad, Samuel

    Cozad, Cazad, Cosad, Casads

Casad, William and Maria Bailey

born 1781 in Virginia died in Fairfield 1853  

Caster, Abraham

Compton Dunn      

Compton, Aaron and Sarah Casad

b. 1793 died 1854 in Fairfield  

Cosgrove, Joseph


Cox, John

born New Jersey died in Grene County  

Cutting, Elijah


Davis, Absolom


Davis, Thomas


Dunn, Reuben

born 1748 in New Jersey    

Dunn, Reynolds and Phoebe Tatman

b. 1793 in New Jersey South Bend, Indiana  

Dunn, Simeon and Sophia Reed

born in New Jersey South Bend, Indiana  

Fulk, Daniel


Fulk, John


Funderburgh, Catherine Strausburg

born 1758 in Maryland died 1828 in Greene County widow of Daniel

Funderburgh, Daniel

born 1789 in Maryand died 1833 in Miami, Greene county -

Funderburgh, David and Susannah Chick

born 1800 in Maryland died 1869 in Green, Enon, Ohio  

Funderburgh, John

born 1769 in Maryland died 1879 in Yellow Springs Ohio  

Glasford, George F


Hall, John


Hall, Moses


Hardman, Peter


Heaven, Elisha


Hosier, John

b. 1789 in Virginia d. 1869 in Osborn  

Inglish, Able


Johnson, Catherine


Johnson, Charles


Johnson, Frederick


Johnson, James


Kershner, Solomon

born 1777 in Washington County, Maryland died in Greene County  

Kinney, John


Kirkendall, George and Elizabeth Briggs

born 1770 in Virginia Hamilton County, Indiana  

Kirkendall, Mathew


Lambert, William


Lewis, James


Lisher, James


Lisher, Ruth


Longstreath, Bartholomew


Lowe or Low, William and Margaret Huey

b. 1792 Virginia now West Virginia died 1865 Webster County, Iowa Section 31 Range VIII Twp III

Lowe, George


Lowe, John

  Moved to Ripley County Indiana before 1830  

McCaig, John


McCashon John

Northumberland County, Pennsylvania    

McCashon John Jr

Northumberland County, Pennsylvania    

McCray, Elizabeth


McDarmock, Michael


Mercer, Jonathan


Miller, Robert


Miller, William


Morland, James


Powel, Barbara


Read, Andrew


Read, Elizabeth


Read, William


Reprogle, George


Reprogle, George


Roberts, Conard


Rush, Jesse

b. 1796 Shelby County, Ohio bought something at David Taylor's estate sale

Rush, John


Searl, Brown and Anna Barbara Hoschar

b. 1797 Bureau County, Illinois  

Searls, Elisha

    opened the first hotel in Fairfield

Shoup, Daniel

b. 1796 in Maryland   Opened first dry-goods and grocery store in 1832.

Sidenslicker, Henry


Sleath, James


Smith, David


Smith, Jacob


Smith, Jane


Smith, Mathias


Sparks, Andrew and Jane Templeton

born about 1790 in New Jersey Greene County, Indiana  

Sparks, Simon and Catherine

born about 1790 New Jersey Montgomery County, Illinois served in 1812

Stephans, Robert


Stephanson, William


Tatman, Joseph


Taylor, David and Ann Bolin

Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Dinsmore Township, Shelby County, Ohio  

Templeton, William


Tingley, Jacob

b 1797 Virginia died Greene Ohio -

Tingley, John Adams

b. 1770 New Jersey Fairfield, Ohio  

Tingley, Samuel


Whitley, Willis


Wilford, Jacob


Williamson, Samuel H. and Mercy Casad

b. 1795 d. 1840 Bath U.P. church

Wilson, Isaac

Kentucky remained in Fairfield  

Wilson, James

Kentucky Indiana  

Wilson, Jeremiah

Kentucky remained in Fairfield  

Wilson, Mary


Winget, Caleb

Washington County, Pennsylvania Mad River Township, Clark County  

Winget, James

born in New Jersey Greenville, Darke, Ohio  

Winget, Ziba and Jane McCreary

born 1765 in New Jersey, married in Washington County, Pennsylvania    

Woodard, Joseph


Woodard, Samuel


Young, John,

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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