
An American Family History

1776 Boxford



  Those men who enlisted for eight months in the Cambridge campaign:  
A militia is a military unit composed of citizens who are called up in time of need.
Jacob Hazen,
Asa Smith,
John Towne,
Andrew Peabody,
Allen Perley,
Robert Andrews,
Joshua Andrews,
Samuel Brown,
Rufus Burnham,
Thomas Dwinnell,
Job Davis,
Stephen Emery,
Edmund Herrick,
John Hale,
Stephen Perley,
Daniel Peabody,
Joshua Rea,
Jonathan Wood,
Moses Wood,
Eliphalet Wood,
John Wild (or Willet),
Seth Burnham,
Nathaniel Fuller,
Jacob Perkins,
Ivory Hovey,
Samuel Cole,
Eliphalet Cole,
Moses Carleton,
Nathan Kimball, Jr.,
Enoch Kimball,
Benjamin Foster,
Asahel Goodridge,
John Stiles,
John Towne, jr.,
Elijah Gould,
Joseph Simmons,
Robert Perkins,
Joseph Peabody,
Stephen Gould, jr.,
Daniel Cole,
Dudley Foster,
Moses Kimball,
Ebenezer Peabody,
Stephen Merrill,
Moses Porter, jr.,
Jeremiah Robinson,
David Sessions,
Elijah Clark,
Jonathan Gilman,



Vote for Kamala Harris for President

I recommend an AncestryDNA Genetic Test Kit to find out where your ancestors really came from.

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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