from The Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Maryland by Joshua Dorsey Warfield
Colonel Nicholas Greenberry, Keeper of the Great Seal
. . .Nicholas Greenberry, his wife Anne, their two children, Charles and Katherine, and three servants, arrived in the ship Constant Friendship, in 1674. . .
Colonel Greenberry died 1697, aged seventy years. His widow, Ann, died 1698. . .
The will of Colonel Greenberry, stamped with a remarkable seal, left his dwelling plantation to his beloved wife, Ann; after her death to son Charles; in case of his death without issue, to go to his three daughters, Catherine, Ann and Elizabeth, forever.
I give to son Charles, my plantation White Hall.The remainder of my personal estate here and in the Kingdom of England, after my wife's third part thereof is deducted therefrom, to be divided by equal portions to son Charles and daughters. . .
His only son, Colonel Charles Greenberry, bore many of the busy characteristics of his father. He was the life and support of St. Margarets Church, to which he left his estate, White Hall, after the death of his wife, Rachel Stimpson.
Colonel Charles Greenberry went before the special Court for restoring the records which had been destroyed in 1704, and entered all the transfers of his family connections, including those of his brother-in-law, Henry Ridgely. From deeds transferred to his wife, we learn that she was the daughter of Thomas [sic] Stimpson, by Rachel Clark, daughter of Richard Beard, of South River. Her history is fully recorded in the sketch of Richard Beard.
Colonel Charles Greenberry had one daughter, Ruth, who became Mrs. Williams. A silver dram cup and other memorials were given her by Mrs. Rachel [Beard] Killburne.
Colonel Charles Greenberry died in 1713. His widow married, in 1715, Colonel Charles Hammond, son of Charles and Hannah (Howard) Hammond. Colonel Charles Greenberry, in his will, left his estate, White Hall, to his wife; to descend, at her death, to the vestry of Westminster Parish, for the maintenance of a minister.
He named his sister, Katherine [Grenberry] Ridgely's children, Henry, Nicholas, Ann and Elizabeth Ridgely; his sister, Elizabeth Goldsborough, and his sister, Anne Hammond.
His brother-in-law, John Hammond, Jr., was made an executor with his wife.