
An American Family History

The Walton, Hunn, Kitchen & Grafton Families

Ancestors of Mary Walton Yerkes

Mary Walton Yerkes was born about 1720 in the Manor of Moreland. Her grandfather, Thomas Walton and his brothers came from England to Pennsylvania where they joined the Byberry Friends Meeting. At the time of the Kethian split, only Nathaniel remained with the Byberry Meeting. Many of the members left the meeting and some became members of the Pennepek Baptist Church where the Reverend John Watts was pastor.

Her great grandparents, the Kitchens, were Quakers who were persecuted for their beliefs in early Massachusetts.

He was not a descendant of George Hunn, the immigrant.


Joseph Grafton and Mary Moore about 1720

Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts

John Saunders and Elizabeth Grafton  

John and Elizabeth (1st wife) Kitchen

Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts


John Kitchen and Elizabeth Grafton

John Kitchen

Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts

Edward Kitchen
Edward Kitchen
son of Lieutenant Robert Kitchen

William Walton and Alice Martin 1657

William Walton

Oxhill Parish, Warwickshire, England


Nathaniel Hunn II and Priscilla Kitchen 1672

Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts


Thomas Walton & Priscilla Hunn 1690

Byberry, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Manor of Moreland (now Upper Moreland Township),
Philadelphia County (now Montgomery) County, Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Eastburn Walton

Caleb Walton 1722
Manor of Moreland (now Upper Moreland Township),
Philadelphia County (now Montgomery) County, Pennsylvania

  Click here for the Yerkes Table of Contents  

DNA match with other descendant in this line.
William Walton
Thomas Walton
Caleb Walton
Mary Walton Yerkes
Josiah Yerkes
Joshua Yerkes
Josiah Yerkes
Eliza Yerkes Fox

John Newton Fox
Eliza Fox Smith
John Elmer Smith
Virginia Smith Miller

Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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