
An American Family History

Front of Yonge Township in the 1840s

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  Alphabetical list of 1840 census records with notes on early settlers.  
  Information from Early Census Records for Yonge Township, Leeds County Ontario for the Years 1841, 1844, 1845, 1848 by Leeds & Grenville Branch, OGS, marriage & baptismal records, & militia lists  
Name Town notes prior residence
Nally, Edward
Nash, Robert c. 1799, carpenter
Neil, John
Neil, Michael
Newland, Henry b. 1782, Newlin, Newlan, Newton, Newling, Newland, Nowlan
Newland, Daniel
Nicholl, John
Nichols, William
Nicholson, David
Nicholson, John
Norton, Robert carpenter
Oakes, Theophelus
O'Leary, Michael
O'Milvana, Hugh Yonge or O'Malvana
Oliver, George
Oliver, Nathaniel
Osborn, Richard
Owens, Ezekial
Page, Abel Abel & Dorcas (Wood) in 1820 census
Page, Joseph
Page, Samuel
Palmer, Abraham *
Palmer, Andrew
Palmer, Edmond son of Isaac
Palmer, Gideon
Palmer, Jehial
Palmer, Reuben
Parish, Arza * son of William Pennock Parish
Parish, Asa
Parish, Edward
Parish, Ezekiel shoemaker
son of William Pennock Parish
Parish, James shoemaker
Parish, Joel Elizabethtown son of Ezekiel Vermont
Parish, John
Parish, Lewis
Parish, Uriah
m. Elizabeth Alguire
Parish, William
Parker, James
Parr, Jacob miller
Patterson, Andrew or Pattison
Patterson, Daniel
Patterson, James
Patterson, Lyman
Patterson, William 1799,
m. Huldah Keeler
Pearson, Andrew
Peer, Stephen D.
Pennock, Alba Lee 1820
m. Nancy Griffin
Pennock, Jesse
Pepper, William
Percival, Robert
Phernetton, Christopher Columbus
m. Dorothy Perkins and Nancy Buell


or Fenneton

Phernetton, John C.C.'s son
Philips, Daniel or Phillips
Daniel, Elinor, Hannah & Philip, Esq. (1746/47, m. Nancy Kelsey) in 1820 census.
New York
Philips, John blacksmith
Philips, Samuel (1798)
Philips, Thomas
Phillips, Daniel (1794)
Phillips, Thomas
Phillips, William (1793)
Pierce, Edward or Pearce
Pierce, Robert
Pierce, William
Pike, Stillman Pike Andrew & Matilda in 1820 census
Plumb, Martha Huntley widow of Festus Plumb
Plumb, Harvey *
Plumsteel, William (1817-1896)
m. Sarah Wiltse
Pocket, John
Polly, Benoni
Polly, Harry Yonge house carpenter Vermont
Poole, Jacob Episcopal-Methodist Reverend
Poole, Robert
Pouloit, Joseph


Poulaw, Puller

Powell, John (d. 1875)
Proctor, James -
Proctor, John carpenter
Proctor, Rebecca widow of Joseph, Jr. b 1794 in Yonge son of Joseph Proctor UEL
Purvis, George Yonge Mills -
Purvis, James Yonge Mills
Purvis, John Yonge Mills
Purvis, Peter Yonge Mills
Purvis, Thomas & Catherine BurnsYonge Mills
Purvis, William & Jane Percival Yonge Mills
Purvis, William S.
Quinsey, John


or Quinzy, Quincy
1820 census

Quinsey, Joseph
Radcliff Samuel
Ramsey, James
Reade, David
Redmond, James
Redmond, William or Redman
John in 1820 census
Reid, William
Reth, William
Reverite, Francis
Richey, Edward
Rickey, Joseph
Ripley, Franklin *
Ripley, Samuel
Ripley, Thomas
Robert, Ross
Robeson, Horatio tanner
Robinson, Benjamin
Robinson, Benjamin B.
Robinson, Isaac
Robinson, James
Robinson, John
Robinson, Samuel
Robinson, William
Rockwood, Samuel
Ronan, Matthew
Root, Abel
m. Jemima Fish
(1791-1853) Rett
Abel & Jesse (1783) in 1820 census.
Stafford, Orange, Virginia
Root, William (1808)
Rosenbarger, Jacob or Rosinbark
Jacob & Susanna in 1820 census
Ross, George,
Ross, James
Ross, Thomas H. clothier
Rowan, William
Rowe, Philip carpenter
Rowsom, Budget *
Rowsom, John
Rowsom, Samuel or Rowson, Rowsome
Rudd, William
Runis, Thomas clergyman
Runyon, William Running
Ryan, John
Ryan, Lewis
Salts, William
Savage, George
Scott, James
Scott, Joseph
Scott, Thomas stone mason
Scovil, Seabury - (1819, 1890, m. Elizabeth Wyatt) inn
Seaman, Allen *
Seaman, Augustus
Seaman, John
Seaman, Smith
Seaman, Caleb innkeeper between 1800-1834
Shankester, James -
wagon maker
Shankester, John
Sharpe, Thomas
Sharret, James
Shaw, Robert
Shaw, William
Shaw, James 1820 census
Shehen, Thomas
Shennick, William
Sheppard, James
Sherman, Aaron joiner
Shipman, Ezekial Elizabethtown
Shipman, Joel -
Shipman, Nelson
Shipman, Stephen
Sills, John
Simmons, Charles or Simons
Stephen -1820 census
Sinot, James
Slack, Benjamin *
Slack, Charles
Slack, Henry joiner
Slack, Isaac
Slack, John, m. Emma Palmer 1788-1870
Slack, John, Jr.
Slack, Joseph, Jr. married Almina Murray 1800,millwright
Slack, Susan
Slack, Warren
Slack, William married Sarah Phillips 1784, millwright
Small, William
Smith, Benson clergyman Quaker
Smith, James shoemaker
Smith, Leman & Laticia Elizabethtown
Smith, Levi
Smith, Otis
Smith, Philander
Smith, Riley
Smith, Willard
Smith, Zebulon
Snider, Joseph
Sponer, Hiram
Spooner, Rosette
Squires, John
Stacy, John
Stanard, Robert
Steadman, Richard
Stearns, Irwin b. 1789
m. Elizabeth Pattison/Patterson
Or Erwin
Stearns, Stephen
Steel, Charles
Steel, Samuel
Stevens, Samuel or Stephens
Stevens, David, B
Stephenson, William shoemaker
Stevenson, David
Stewart, Charles
Stewart, Margaret
Stuart, Alexander & Jane Brockville
Stotts, Baker or Stoors, Storts, Storrs
Betsey, Prentis & Betsy in 1820 census
Stotts, Joseph -
Stotts, Philip
Summers, Gilbert (Culbert)
Summers, John
Summers, Margaret
Summers, Theophilus
Swan, Chester
Tackaberry, Henry, m. Ann Rudd -
Tackaberry, Robert, Jr. (m. Mary Cusick)
Tackaberry, Robert, Sr. Yonge Township (1757-1850) or Tackerberry
Martha, Mary, Robert, William & William in 1820 census
Tackaberry, William
Tallon, Walter cooper
Taylor, James
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, William
Teebo, Pascal or Thebeau, Thibeau, Thibault
Teed, Henry
Tennant, John *
Tennant, Thomas
Tennant, William Scotland
Thomas Edward merchant
Thomas Edward S.
Thomas, Samuel
Thomson, Archibald house joiner
Thomson, Benjamin
Thomson, James Escott Scotland
Thomson, John
Thompson, John 2nd
Thompson, John H.
Thomson, John Kincaid
Thompson, John T
Thomson, Margaret Austin
Thomson, Selee
Thomson, William from Scotland
Thorne, Samuel blacksmith
Thornton, William
Tomkins, Asa
Tomkins, Matthew
Toohy, Sanford or Tuey
Toombs, Blaney Tooms
Towe, George (1810-1897) Ireland
Towe, Matthew (1818-1888)
Towris, Charles -
Towris, Robert Robert & Susanna in 1820 census
Torrance, George , m. Mary Geddes 1807
Tremain, Francis
Trickey, Ann *
Trickey, Henry
Trickey Henry, 2nd
Trickey, Isaac
Trickey, James Mallory
Trickey, Peter
son of Henry New Jersey
Trickey, Thomas
Trickey, Zephaniah blacksmith
Truesdell, Justin, Jr. * Quebec
Truesdell, Justin, Sr. Fairfield, Connecticut
Truesdell, Samuel Quebec
Truesdell, William
Tryon, David
Tryon, James
Tufts, Alpheus
- cooper,
or Tuffts-
Sarah & Winthrop in 1820 census.
Tufts - Winthrop Tufts b. 1778
m. Sarah Avery
constable between 1800-1834
Tufts, Sherwood (1825)
m. Electra Hutchinson
Tufts, Thomas
Tufts, William
Tulip, Joseph
Tully, James
Turkington, Hugh , m. Mary Ann Gregson 1785-1866
Turkington, Johnson
Turner, Samuel
Tuttle, Joseph
Van Dusen, Isaac (1813) Vandozer, Van Dusen
Eve & Peter in 1820 census
Van Dusen, Jacob (1814-1898) shoemaker
Vanston Thomas Venston,
VanVlkenburgh, J. S.
Voodre, Lewis (b. 1816)
m. Amelia VanDusen
Wade, John
Wadock, William Wadrock
Wallace, John
Warner, Asa
Warner, Godfrey
Warner, Oliver
Warren, Benjamin (1789 - 1863) &
Mary (1796-1873)
buried at Caintown or Waren
Benjamin & Mary in 1820 census.
Warren, William
Warren, William, Jr.
Warrington, William
Watson, James
Watson, William
Weatherhead, John
m. Polly Bottum
1790-1860, justice of the peace.
Webster, Nathaniel 1796, 1820 census. Ireland
Webster, Robert (1788)1820 census Ireland
Weeks, Henry Henry & Rebecca in 1820 census.
Weeks, Willard c. school
Weller, Abraham
Wheelaugham, Rebecca Wheeleam
White, George
White, James
White, John
White, Lewis
White, Rachel
White, Sally
White, William
Whitmarsh, Jonathan
Whitmore, Eleanor Whitemore,
Eleanor & William in 1820 census.
Whitmore, Samuel carpenter
Whitmore, William
Whitney, Hannah
Whitney, James
Wickware Lebeous/Lebius or Wickwire, Wickwise
Wickware, Alpheus
Widdows 1788-1857, m. Ann d. 1857 Widdis Ireland
Wight, John R. joiner
Wilcox, Charles
Wiley, Isaiah Blacksmith
Williams, Harmon clothier
Williams, Hector
Williams, John
Williams, Moses cooper
Williams, Thomas cooper
Williams, William
Williams, Edward
Williamson, George
Willis, Thomas
Wilson, George
Wilson, John
Wilson, Samuel
Wiltse, Amos Rear of Yonge
Wiltse, Benoni rear of Yonge * Capt.
Wiltse, Clark
Wiltse, Coleman joiner
Wiltse, Comfort
Wiltse, Cornelius New York
Wiltse, Daniel
Wiltse, David
m. Thankful Smith
Wiltse, Deborah
Wiltse, Edward
Wiltse, George
Wiltse, Henry
Wiltse, James
Wiltse, James, 3rd
Wiltse, John
Wiltse, Joseph
Wiltse, Joseph, 2nd
Wiltse, Martin bailiff
Wiltse, Mary
Wiltse, Nicholas
Wiltse, Richard
Wiltse, Samuel
Wiltse, Samuel, 2nd
Wiltse, Solomon
Wiltse, Truman
Wing, Abraham
Wing, Daniel b. 1787
m. Emma Palmer)

Dutchess County, New York

Wing, Daniel, Jr. b. 1803
Wing, Jedediah Elizabethtown Dutchess County, New York
Wing, Jedediah, Jr.
Wing, Jehial
m. Cynthia Benedict
1812, son of Daniel Wing
Wing, Matthew
Wing, Philip Quaker
Wing, Sophia
Wing, William W. innkeeper
Winslow, Henry
Wood, Anthony
Wood, David
Wood, George
Wood, George C.
Wood, John
Wood, Robert
Wood, Isaiah
Woodcock, Nicholas Woocock
Wooley, Washington Woolley, Wooley, Wooller
Clarissa & William in 1820 census.
Wright, Fanny
Wright, Isreal
Wright, John
Wright, Abraham
Yates, Benjamin
m. Elizabeth Wing
b. 1783
Yates, Benjamin, Jr. b. 1811
Younge, Benjamin
Young, Christopher
Young, Elizabeth
Young, John
Young, Samuel      




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Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2024
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