
An American Family History

Front of Yonge Township in the 1840s

A to M

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  Alphabetical list of 1840 census records with notes on early settlers.  
  Information from Early Census Records for Yonge Township, Leeds County Ontario for the Years 1841, 1844, 1845, 1848 by Leeds & Grenville Branch, OGS, marriage & baptismal records, & militia lists  
Name Town notes prior residence
Abbott, William & Susanna      

Acland, John

Hugh Ackland (1807, M. Mary Dormday) in the 1832 census
Adams, Ebenezer
Adams, Elijah
Adams, George C. merchant
Adams, Gran
Adams, Walter
Alguire, Harmonius (m. Jerusha Cornell) Yonge - Cornwall
Alguire, Levi Yonge New York
Alguire, Simeon Yonge
New York
Alguire, Sterling Yonge son of Levi
Allen or Allan, John & Fanny Brockville & Elizabethtown
Allingham, Hugh (1782 - 1847) buried in Caintown
Allingham, John (1813 -1901) buried in Caintown cooper, Ireland
Andress, Christopher -
Andress, Edward
wagon maker,
Andress, James
Andress, Samuel
Andress, William
Andress, Hezekiah
Andrews, Ira
Andrews, James H.
Andrews, Samuel
Andress, Socrates
Andrews, William
Anglin, Patrick
m. Bridget Jones)
Armstrong, Adam
Armstrong, David W.
Armstrong, Henry
m. Susannah Earl)
Armstrong, John
m. Mary Wood)
Armstrong, William
m. Margaret Davis
Arnold, Davis
Aughan, William
Austin, Elizabeth Stevenson New York
Austin, James
Austin, Joseph
Austin, Mary
Austin, Robert Moffit
Yonge Salem, Henry County, Iowa
Avery, Alfred
son of James
Avery, Isaac
m. Mary Trickey)
son of James
Avery, James
Avery, Sabrina Mott
(1801 - 1857)
Elizabethtown, Yonge Township
Avery, William
Ayers, Catherine (Mallory) Elizabethtown or Eyers
Ayres, John
Ayres, William ship carpenter
Ayres, Zeno b. 1817
Baker, Abraham Elisha & Jehannah Baker in 1820 census.
Baker, Abram (1797) son of Michael
Baker, Antoine
Baker, James
Baker, Joseph
Baker, Michael
b. 1770 d. 1845
m. Agnes.
Yonge Twp. Ireland
Barber, Charles -
Barber, John
Barber, Robert b. 1814 house carpenter, married Huldah WiltseIreland
Barker, Edmund
Barker, John
Barnes, Ira - c, 1798 sawer
Barnum, Philip
Barrington, James, Jr. ,
m. Nancy Coughlin 1848
Yonge Barington, James, Sr. in the 1820 census
Bates, George Murray
Bates, James
Bates, Joshua Farmersville (now Athens)
Bates, Martin
Bates, Ninian
Bates, Patience Churchill
Bates, Widow
Baxter, Alanson
Baxter, Albert
Baxter, Alfred
Baxter, Hiram (1793-1848) son of Alanson
Baxter, Lothrop (Northrop Lamkens)
Baxter, Michael b. 1802 in England clergyman
Baxter, Nathan
Bayle, Benjamin or Baile
Beach, Enos 1806-1886
m. Mary Baird
Mary & Stephen Beach in 1820 census. Connecticut
Beach, Stephen
m. Margaret Baird
brother of Enos
Beach, William
Beatty, John
Beatty, Robert
Beatty, Walter (1776)
m. Isabella Robb
Beatty, William (1806)
m. Ellen Armstrong
Beaupree, Louie/Louis m. Mary LeFluer or Bopra
Bell, John Millwright
Bellamy, Chauncey Hall (1790)
m. Nancy Bolton.
Chancy, Hiram, Nancy, & Polly in 1820 census.
Benedict, John
Benson, James
Bews, David (b. 1807) Scotland
Birdsell, Andrew * Birdsel or Birdsall
Birdsell, Benjamin
Bissel, Elizabeth
Blanchard, Charles b. 1811
m. Huldah Yates
s. of Sala
Blanchard, Albert b. 1816 s. of Sala
Blanchard, Sala. b. before 1782
m. Mary Booth b. 1790
Elizabethtown gentleman
Blodget, Lyman
Boaward?, Charles
Bolton, Robert or Boulton
Booth, Alfred C. Matthew & Sarah Booth in 1820 census
Booth, Nelson
Booth, Rachel
Booth, Samuel L. (1764-1848) Elizabethtown married Sarah Wooley Wallkill, Orange County, New York
Botsford, Henry *or Bottsford
Boughton, Thomas Botting
Bowser, John
Boyd, James & Jane Elizabethtown
Boyd, David b. 1801 Ireland
Boyd, Robert, b. 1821 son of David Ireland
Boyd, Samuel
Boyle, John
Braden, William
Brevort, Hannah -
or Brevoort , Brevard
Brevort, Richard
Brewer, Johnson carpenter
Brooker, James Dr.? & James in 1820 census)
Brooks, Samuel T.
Brown, Alfred
Brown, Alva
Brown, Andrew cooper
Brown, Benjamin, Jr.,
New York
Brown, Daniel J.
Brown, David
Brown, George B shoemaker
Brown, James
Brown, James W.
Brown, John
Brown, Johnson Jonathan?
Brown, Nathan
Brown, Nathan C.
Brown, Nathaniel
Brown, Nelson miller
Bryan, Arthur
Bryan, William m. Jane Wesster in 1820
Bryant, Abel
Buell, John *
Buell, Samuel Peters
Yonge blacksmith Hartford County, Connecticut
Buell, Samuel Peters, 2nd
Bugbee, Charles (1809-1879)
m. Nancy Trickey
Bulger, James
Bull, John G. clergyman
Bullis, Daniel (1757)
m. Elizabeth Olmstead
* New York
Bullis, Daniel, Jr. (1796)
Bullis, Gideon (1798)
Bullis, Jabez
Bullis, Peter
Bullis, Richard (1786)
Burnham, Burrel (1796-1863) Yonge Mills wheelmaker
Amy & B. Burrel Burnham in 1820 census.
Burnham, Charles (1819-1896) son of Burrel
Burrows, Daniel
Burrows, Thomas
Burtch, Charles (1745-1834)
m. Mary Green
Burtch, Charles *

Jefferson County, New York

Burtch, William
Butteric, John L.
Byrne, John or Burns
Byrne, Patrick or Burns
Cain, Isaac
Cain, John, Jr. & Betty Yonge Mills also in the 1820 census
Cain, Ruggles
Cairns, Jacob
Calavan, Ann
Calbury, Thomas
Calder, James
Callaghan , John Callahan Ireland
Campbell, Michael & Mary Augusta
Campbell, Stephen
Campeau, John
Carnegie, Robert
Carr, Edward
Carr, Joseph
Carr, William
Caswell, Zebina Morris (1811) New York
Cavanagh, Garret -
Abraham Cavanaugh (b. 1782) & Anna in 1820 census
Cavanagh, Henry schoolteacher
Cavanagh, John
Cavanagh, John, Jr.
Cayure, Joseph -
Chatterton, Samuel
(1767-1845, or his son)
Cherry, Leon
Chisimore, Daniel
Churchill, Anna Hewitt *
Churchill, David
Churchill, John Yonge Township New York
Churchill, Mark
Clark, Harvey
Clark, Joel clothier
Clark, Samuel
Clitherow, Robert (1808) -
Clow, Abraham (1820) -
son of Peter Clow & Hannah Palmer
New York
Clow, Henry (1796-1865, m. Nancy Gardiner)
Clow, Peter (1788)
Clow, Robert (1803)
Clow, William (1790-1871)
Clow, William C.
Coates, Henry
Coby, John
Cochlin, Jeremiah
m. Mary McCarty 1841
Cochlin, John or Coughlin, Cochlen,
Cole, George
Cole, Jonathan cooper
Cole, Nathaniel
Coleman, David David & Mary Coleman in 1820 census
Compeau, Edward -
Compeau, Isaac b. 1825
Compeau, John Campau , Compo, Compeau
Jean Baptiste m. Cecile St Germain
Compeau, Joseph
Comstock, Aaron *
Comstock, Levi Yonge West Greenwich, Kent, Rhode Island.
Connell, James (1772, m. Isabella-) Connell, Conel, Connell Isabel & James & Robert & Sophia in 1820 census, Scotland
Connell, James, Jr.
Connell, Levi
Connell, Robert George Connel was appointed constable between 1800-1834)
Conners, Thomas
Conners, Walter
Cox, James
Cox, Patrick
Craig, William
Crawford, James
Cromwell, Dayton (m. Patience Bates) or Crumwell
Cughan, William
Cunningham, Michael
Curtin, John Ireland
Curtis, Eleazer
Curtis, James, John & Samuel
Danby Thomas
Danby, George (1827-1896l) son of Samuel
Danby, John
Danby, Samuel (1790-1853, m. Permelia Palmer)
Dano Alonzo B. & Mary Brockville
Darling, Stephen
Davis, Abraham
Davis, Calvin C.
Davis, Edward (1795) stone mason Ireland
Davis, George (1797) m. Margaret Rowsome Ireland
Davis, Thomas (1802-1875) m. Elizabeth Kavanagh Ireland
Davis, Thomas 2nd
Davis, William (1783-1861, m. Mary Hogeboom) Caintown Ireland
Davison, Jabez - b. 1817, m. Orilla Bullis s.of John Davison & Elizabeth Landers
Davison, Robert - miller
Dayton, Olive Boyce (m. Abraham Dayton)
DeNaut, Charles
DeWolfe, Orlando (b. 1798
m. Sally Weldon)
Deer, James
Demming Sterling
m. Rebecca Wilcox in 1845
- Deming, Demmings,
Eleanor, Hannah, John & Sterling Demming in 1820 census
Denny, John
Derbyshire, Alexander -
Derbyshire, Daniel
Derbyshire, Harvey Yonge Quaker Minister Henry County, Iowa
Detour, Gabriel -
Detour, Henry
Detour, Peter
Detour, Peter, Sr.
Dickey, Arthur (1791) m. Jane McLaren
Dickey, Thomas
Digley, Richard & Jane Elizabethtown or Digby
Dixie, Richard (1804 - 1894) shoemaker
Dixie, Robert (1816 - 1916)
Dixie, William (1810 - 1893)
Dixon, Richard John Dixon was apointed constable Rear of Yonge between 1800-1834.
Robert Dickson -1820 census.
Dobbin, Joseph (1798- 1867) & Eliza (1786-1867)
Dobbs, George
Dobbs, Robert
Dobbs, Thomas
Dobbs, William
Dodge, Gabriel
b. 1797
m. Sarah Massey
Elizabethtown England
Doland, Edmond/Edward or Dowlan
Donahue, James m. Elizabeth Leeder or Donohue
Dorman, Richard
Douglas, William
Dowsard, Charles
Dowsley, George & Eliza Brockville -
Dowsley, Joseph L. m. Sarah (Sally) Pattison/Patterson
Doyle, Michael
Doyle, Thomas
Drew, James
Drummond, John & Eleanor Bastard.& Kitley
Duncan, John or Dunkin
Duncan, Michael
Dwinnell, Isaac David (Davis)
married Rachel Lapoint
Earl, Edward (1801-1881)
m. Marian
Earl, Samuel sawyer
William Earl -1820 census
Earl, Thomas 1805-1877
m. Mary Ann,
from Ireland
Easton, John M.
Edgely, John Samuel Edgely -1820 census
Edgers, Alexander
Elisha Allen (Elijah?)
Elisha m. Ruth David.
Ellerbeck, John
& Abigail Frances
Ellerbeck,William Harrison
& Katherine Cook
Elliot Stephen
Elliot, Catherine Dutchess County, New York
Elliot, George b. 1807 Ireland
Elliot, Harvey
Elliot, James
Elliot, Orville
Elliot, Robert
Elliot, Thomas
Elliot, Thomas, Jr.
Emerson, Thomas
Ennis, Robert
Ennis, Samuel Blacksmith
Enslow, James
Enslow, Samuel
m. Rhoda Elliott
Fairbairn, Henry
Fairman, Amasa
Fairman, Benjamin
m. Rosa Wing
Falconer William Henry
m. Ann Lamb & Rosinda Griffin
or Falkner,
Farley, John
Farley, John, Jr.
Fawset, Simon (married Mary Holmes) Yonge or Phisett England
Fennel, Nathaniel
Fennell, John
Ferguson, James
Ferguson, James tanner
Ferguson, Thomas
Ferguson, William Caintown, on Lot No. 20 shoemaker
Findlay, Richard
Finton, Bartholomew
Flagg, Olive
Flagg, Peter shoemaker
Flood, James
Floyd, James
Foley, John Yonge 1820 census
Foley, Robert
Foley, William
Forrest, Thomas & Margaret -
Forrester, Daniel Forrest, Forrester, Forister
Forrester, Elizabeth
Forrester, William
Fortune, Francis
Fortune, Henry
Foster, William schoolteacher
Fowler, Sarah
Fox, Arthur
Fox, Luke
Franklin, John
Frary, James (1803) Hatter, m. Mary Thomas) New York
Fredenburg, William
Freeday, John
French, John b. 1796 -
Henry & John French in 1820 census
Frost, John
Gainford, James
Gainford, Richard
Galavan, James or Gallivan
Gardiner, Charles (1816) *
Gardiner, George
Gardiner, Joseph, M.D.
Gardiner, Richard
Gavin, Lawrence
George, David & Rachel Brockville.
Gerard, Francis
Gerry, Robert
Gibson, Helen widow of James Gibson Scotland
Gibson, Peter Purvis b. 1818
Giffin, Dwight. married Elizabeth Bates
Gilday, Thomas
Giles, Richard Elizabethtown merchant Wexford, Ireland
Giles, William & Sarah Richards
Giles, William H. saddler
Gilleland, John
Glasford, H. E.
Glinn, John cooper
Godkin, Fossey
Godkin, William -
Goff, Joseph
Goodbody, Stephenson -
Goslin, Thomas
Gould, Charles & Margaret in 1820 census
Gould, Thomas millwright
Graham, Hugh 1800-1869
m. Margaret Grace Woods
Graham, John
Graham, William
Grant, Allen
Grant, James
Gray, Francis
Green, John Brockville Green- James, Mark, Sarah & William in 1820 census
Green, Mark (1789-1847) buried at Caintown
Green, William
Greer, James
Griffin, Gilbert (1796) son of Samuel
Griffin, Isaiah (1788) son of Samuel
Griffin, James
Griffin, Samuel
Griffin, Susan Elliott Yonge widow of Samuel Griffin Dutchess County, New York
Guild, Albin or Alban
Guild, Herman Mallorytown Middletown Connecticut
Guild, Jarvis Mallorytown
Guild, Jeremiah
Haffie, Thomas
Hagerman, John
Dutchess County, New York
Hagerman, William *
Haig, James wagonmaker
Hall, James & Jane Elizabethtown
Hall, Boyd & Elizabeth Elizabethtown
Hall, Lewis
Hall, Thomas & Ann
Hamilton, David
Hamlin, Benjamin or Hamblin
Benjamin & Rachel in 1820 census
Hanna, John
Harden, John
Hargedon, Michael
Harkness, Flora -
Harkness, Francis
Harkness, Matthew
Harkness, William b, 1822 m. Harriet Polly Quebec
Harret, James T.
Haskin, Joab
Haskin, Joseph
Haskins, Timothy
Haven William
Hawes, Edward (1794-1864) m. Anna Jane Gardiner) or Hawks, Haws
Hawes, John (1823, m. Elizabeth Louise Guilds)
Hawes, Selah or Sele
Hawkins, Norman clothier
Hayes, Asahel, Jr. or Haze, Hays -
Hayes, Carmi
Hayes, Chancy
Hayes, Ira
Hayes, John
Hayes, John C.
Hayes, Joseph chairmaker
Hayes, Josephus
Hayes, Thomas
Hayes, Washington
Hazelwood, Robert Hazelwood - Hannah & Robert in 1820 census
Hazelwood, William
Heather, William
Hemshaw, William
Henderson, David
Henderson, John H.
Hendry, John
Herbison, John
m. Ann Warren
Herrington, Philip Harrington, Herrington, Herenton, Herinton
Anna, Thomas Charlotte, Emily John & Richard in 1820 census.
Hewett, Jacob
m. Jerusha Mott
Hewett, Robert
Hewett, William
Hewson, Thomas
Hicks, James Hicks- Polly -1820 census
Hill, Ann Hill - Thomas -1820 census
Hillis, Thomas & Sarah Brockville
Hindy, George
Hitchcock, Z. B.
Hodge, Francis
wife Mary Harrison
Hodge, John
Hodge, William
Hodskiss, Milo
Hogan, William
Hogeboom, Derrick
Hogerboon, Hogeboom, Hogaboom
Hogeboom, Isaac
Hogeboom, Jacob
Hogeboom, Jacob I.
Hollingsworth, Samuel
Hollingsworth, Thomas
Holman, Marcus
Holmes Hugh
Holmes Hugh, Jr.
Holmes, Eli Homes, Holmes - Hugh, Richard, Sarah & William in 1820 census.
Holmes, John Y.
Holmes, Joseph
Holmes, Sally
Hool, Josep
Hopkins, John
Horagan, William - carpenter
Horton, John house carpenter
Horton, Nicholas
Horton, Robert house carpenter
Horton, William
Hoskin, Joab
Hough, Charles
Howard, Peter
Howe, Delorma
m. Emeline Derbyshire
Yonge carpenter
Howe, Elias A
Howe, Thomas
Howe, William T.
Hubble, Justice
Hudson, Henry
Hudson, James
Hudson, Michael
Hughes, James
Hughes, John
Hunt, Cornell Hunt- Cornell & Lucinda in 1820 census
Hunt, John
Hunt, Martin
Hunt, Vare
Huntley, John - wagonmaker
Huntly, Ezra Huntly, Huntley, Huntly
Anna & Ezra in 1820 census
Hustin, Sarah
Hustin, William
Hutchinson, David Vermont
Hutchinson, John
Hutchinson, Noah
Hutchinson, Wellington
Imeson, Jonathan
Ingram, Richard miller
Jackson, Archibald cabinet maker
Jacob, Thomas
Jarvis, Hester or Jervis
Abigail & Joseph in 1820 census
Jarvis, Peter
Jewell, David
Johnson, Derick
Johnson, John
Johnson, Lewis blacksmith
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, William
wagon maker
m. Caroline Guild
Johnston, David B. innkeeper Johnson or Johnstow
John, John & Leah
in 1820 census
Johnston, John
Johnston, Samuel
Johnston, Thomas
Jones, Frederick shop merchant
Josiah & Sardate Jones in 1820 census
Jordan, Robert
Judd, Henry
Judd, William
Judson, Ira Judson- Anna, Lyman, Polly & Rachael in 1820 census
Judson, Lyman Yonge, on Lot No. 4, in the 8th Concession
June, Isaiah *
June, John
son of Peter
June, John Fairchild
son of Peter Connecticut
June, Levi, Jr.
June, Peter Hodge son of Peter
June, Robert b. 1810
m. Caroline Trusdell
Kelly, Benjah Kellsor Kele
John Edey & Suzy in 1820 census
Kelly, Edward
Kelly, John
Kelly, John, Jr.
Kelly, Mary
Kelly, Peter
Kelly, William wagon maker
Kelsey, Alpheus
married Sarah Tryon
Yonge Hannah, John Mary, Samuel, Sarah, William & William in 1820 census.
Kelsey, Benjamin
Kelsey, William
Kendrick, George
Kendrick, Mary
Kennedy, William millwright
Kerr, George
Keyes, Edward tailor
Kidd, Thomas
Kilmury, Barnabus
Kilmury, James (1801, Ireland, m. Alice Hayes)
Kincaid, Archibald
Kincaid, John tanner & currier
Kincaid, John c.school & w. church
Kincaid, John, 2nd
Kincaid, Robert weaver
King, John A.
King, Wallace
King, William W.
Kinyon, Thomas P. Kinyon-Betsey, Huldah, Perry, & Thomas in 1820 census
Kirk, Joseph & Miranda Kitley
Kirk, David &
Kirk, John &
Kirker, Benjamin
Kirker, James
Kirker, John
Kirkland, Thomas & Susanna Brockville
Kirkpatrick, John
Knapp, Israel
m. Almira Schofield
or Knap
Hannah & Israel in 1820 census
Knowlton, Thomas
LaRue, James 1780,
m. Hannah Andress
Labranch, Augustus shoemaker
Ladd, Archibald
m. Hannah June)
- Archibald & Hannah in 1820 census
Ladd, Dustin
m. Catherine Avery
Ladd, Hiram
m. Amelia Andrews
Ladd, Richard
Lafayette, Michael
Lamb, James,
Lamson, Thomas house joiner
Landon, Wellington shop merchant
Landres, Mills -
Landress, John cooper
Landrs, William
Lang, George
Lang, Samuel b. 1788
m. Margaret Small
Langvin, Louis
Lapoint, Joseph Desautels m. Marie Populus
Lapoint, Sophra In 1839 census.
Lasher, John H.
Latham (m. Hannah Walt) or Luman
Lawson, John
Leader, Robert
Leaman, John
Lear, Thomas
Leary, Michael
Leavitt, J. G.
Lee, Palmer Elizabethtown farmer New York
Lee, Thomas
Levingston, Daniel Kelsey m. Mary Mason carpenter
Levingston, John
m. Anna Hays
Levingston, Samuel or Livingston
James -1820 census
Lewis, Benjamin carpenter
Lewis, Thaddeus clergyman
Lewis, Timothy R. shoemaker
Lillie, Turner
Little, George & Jane Brockville Liddle
Longale, Joseph
Looby, William Looly
Majury, Robert
Mallon, John
Mallory, Amasa (1819) * blacksmith
son of David
Mallory, Amy (Patterson) widow of Lemuel Mallory
Mallory, Archibald (1821) son of Lemuel
Mallory, Charles (1814) blacksmith
son of David
Mallory, Daniel 1797 son of Daniel
Mallory, David, 2nd b. 1808 son of Jeremiah
Mallory, David 1783 son of Nathaniel
Mallory, Elisha * son of Jeremiah Wells, Vermont
Mallory, Elizabeth (Patterson) widow of Daniel
Mallory, Ephriam (1805) son of Israel
Mallory, George
Mallory, Henry son of Jeremiah
Mallory, Hiram (1808) son of Israel
Mallory, Ira (1812) son of Nathaniel
Mallory, Israel
Mallory, Israel, 2nd (1803) son of Israel
Mallory, Joseph shoemaker
Mallory, Mary widow of Jeremiah
Mallory, Nathaniel (1791) son of Daniel
Mallory, William (1808) son of Israel
Maloney, Patrick
Malony, Thomas
Marshall, Richard
Marshall, William
Massey, George
Massey, Samuel
Matthews, Sylvester cabinet maker
Maud, Robert
May, William
McArthur, Peter
McArthur, Robert
McAvoy, Michael Macaboy
McBratney, Stafford & Diana Elizabethtown
McConkey, George
McCord, James & Jane Brockville
McCormic, William
McDonald, Daniel (1802) Mallorytown or McDonnel, McDonniel, MacDonnell, McDonell, Mcdonald, MacDonald New York
McDonald, Mary Mallorytown
John (1787) & Mary in 1820 census
New York
McDonald, William blacksmith
McDougall, Donald blacksmith
McElhinny, James lumberman
McFarlane, James & Christianna
McFarlin, Thomas
McGrah, Henry
McGuire, Thomas Maguire
McIntire, Henry
McIntire, John
McIntosh, John or Macintosh
McIntosh, Joseph J. miller
McKelvey, George tailor
McKerry, William cooper
McKinley, Nathan & Peggy
McKinnon, John merchant
McLarry, Robert
McLean, James
McLean, Alexander
McLean, Archibald
McLean, Archibald, Jr.
McLean, James B. married Ann Shepherd in 1836
McLean, John, Esq.
McLean, Robert cooper
McLean, William
McLean, William H.
McMunn, Cornelius or McMan
stone mason
McNickel, Arthur
McNish, George
McNish, George, Jr.
McRoberts, James & Charlotte Augusta
Menard, Dominick b. 1795,
m. Charlotte VanDusen
or Manor, Manore
Metcalf, Elliot b. 1813 * cooper, married Lucinda Mallory Oneida County, New York
Mildred, Catherine
Miller, Hugh
Miller, James in Yonge as early as 1832 Millar,
Miller, John probably oldest son of Samuel
Miller, Robert
Miller, Samuel, s. of Henry Miller & Sally Robbins *
Moles, Edward (1804-1877)
Montague, John
Moore, Anna, More
James & Walsey in 1820 census
Moore, Frederick
Moore, Walsingham (1768, m. Frances Proctor)
Moore, Walsingham, P. (1808, m. Sarah Davis)
Morgan, Cyprian
Morrell, Alexander
Morris, John or Moris- Betsey, Thomas & Samuel in 1820 census
Morris, Samuel
Morris, Thomas
Morrison, William
Morrow, Alexander joiner
Mott, Benjamin
Mott, Daniel
Mott, Henry
Mott, James
Mott, Richard *
Mott, Simon, Jr.
Moulton, James b. 1784 Ireland
Moulton, Joseph
Moulton, William
Mouton, Benjamin Ireland
Moxley, Joseph (1788) Ireland
Moxley, Peter
Munford, Peter Munfort
Munro, Alfred Alpheus *
son of John

Munro, Esther (Mrs. Samuel Munro)
Munro, Simon son of John
Munsell, Alpheus *
Munsell, John
Murphy, John
Murray, Nancy
Murray, Patrick


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Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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