
An American Family History

The Pennock Family


Brockville, Ontario was called Elizabethtown. The area was first settled by English speakers in 1785, when Americans who had remained loyal to the crown fled to Canada after the American Revolution.

  also spelled Penock  

William Pennock was born about 1720 in Lyme, New London County, Connecticut. He was the son of Samuel Pennock and Mary Wilson.

He married Hannah Brown.

Mary Pennock (1744, married Ezekiel Parish).

William died in  1782 in Strafford, Orange County, Vermont.

United Empire Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to King George III and the British Empire. They moved to Canada after the American Revolution.

Samuel Pennock was born on March 29, 1741 in Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut.

He married Mercy Chapman on September 22, 1763 in East Haddam Connecticut. Mercy was born on May 18, 1738 in East Haddam, Connecticut. Her parents were David Chapman and Abigail Lee.

Philemon Pennock (1764, married Hamutel Morey and Sarah Gardiner Morey),
David Pennock
Isaac Pennock (1766),
Jesse Pennock
Samuel Pennock
Mercy Pennock
James Pennock
Rhoda Pennock (1774, married Daniel Root),
Alva Pennock (1769).

Samuel was a lieutenant in Colonel John Peter's Strafford Militia and was in the first company of John Peter's Queen's Rangers.

After the war, they settled in Elizabethtown, Leeds County, Ontario.

1797 census of Elizabethtown;

Penock, Albe and Samuel

Alva served in the 1st Leeds Militia during the War of 1812.

In 1830 Samuel Pennock was in Brockville (was Elizabethtown).


Philemon Pennock was born in 1764 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut. He was the son of Samuel Pennock and Mercy Chapman.

Philemon married Hamutel Morey.

Betsy Pennock (1785)
Chapman Pennock (1787, married Irena Deming),
Elizabeth Pennock (1788)
William Pennock (1790, married Mary Pennock daughter of Oliver)
Samuel Pennock (1792, married Catherine Coleman),
Mary Pennock (1795) ,
John Pennock (1797), and
Philemon Pennock, Jr. (1800).

Philemon married Sarah Gardiner Morey.

George Moreny Pennock (1815).

At one time, Chapman Pennock and a relative, Henry Herrick, were passing through the woods, when they came upon two young bears; Pennock ran after them, and soon had them up a tree. At this juncture, the old bear made her appearance. Herrick took to his heels, but Pennock faced his antagonist, which at once rose on his hind legs and attempted to embrace him. Taking his hat off, he struck the bear in the face, at the same time shouting and backing up, not forgetting to dodge the blows from the bear s paws; Herrick, who had reached a place of safety, at the same time shouting, " Run, Chapman, run! " The bear, becoming frightened, decamped, just as Pennock fell back wards over some brush. Herrick ran to the house, brought a gun, and the cubs were shot. (from History of Leeds and Grenville)

Philemon passed away in 1824 in Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ontario, Canada.

The first European settlements in Ontario were after the American Revolution when 5,000 loyalists left the new United States.


Albele (Alvah) Pennock

He married Sarah Shipman.

Sarah Pennock (1795),
David Pennock (1797),
Abigail Pennock (1799),
Rhoda Pennock (1801),
Nelson Pennock (1803),
Daniel Pennock (1805),
Keziah Pennock (1808, married Peter Purvis, Jr.),
Betsey Pennock (1810, married Archibald McLean, Jr.),

During the War of 1812, Albele served in the Leeds County Militia.


Oliver Pennock was born in 1757 in Litchfield. He was the son of James Pennock and Thankful Boardman.

Aaron Pennock (married Elizabeth Pennock, daughter of Philomon, Sr.),
Lucy Pennock (married John Keeler),
Mary Pennock (married William Pennock, son of Philemon),
Hannah Pennock (married H. Herrick),
Olive Pennock (married Joseph McNish), and
Julia Pennock (married Smith Coleman).

During the War of 1812, Aaron served in the Second Leeds Militia






from History of Leeds and Grenville

The Pennock Family
. . .When the revolution broke out the Pennocks remained true Britons. Seven brothers joined Burgoyne s army and were all killed. After the close of the war, probably in 1784-5, Samuel and Oliver Pennock, with their families, came to Canada and settled in Augusta.

The children of Samuel [Pennock-1741] were [included]
Isaac, who remained in the United States,
Philemon and

Oliver Pennock [1757] was a nephew [or brother] to Samuel;

his children were Aaron, Mary, Lucy, Hannah, Olive and Julia.

Aaron married Elizabeth, daughter of Philomon Pennock, Sr.;
Lucy married John Keeler Greenbush;
Mary married William Pennock, son of Philemon;
Hannah married H. Herrick;
Olive married Joseph McNish;
Julia married Smith Coleman.

Philomon [Pennock], the elder [son of Samuel], raised the following children:
Chapman, Elizabeth, William, Mary, Samuel, Philomon Jr., John and George, the latter being a child by the second wife, who was a Gardiner of Yonge, sister of George Gardiner. . .

Chapman Pennock [son of Philomon] married Irena Deming, and removed to South Crosby in 1811, settled on Lot 14, in the 2nd Concession, where he died in 1871, aged 84 years. His family consisted of eleven sons and two daughters, all of whom are living. At the time of Chapman s death he had fifty grand children and twenty great grand children; Chapman s wife died in 1862.

Aaron Pennock [son of Oliver] served in 1812; as a veteran received a pension from the Dominion Government. He died at the ripe age of ninety-four years. One of his children is the wife of Ephraim Lee of Yonge.

William Pennock, [1790- son of Philamon] who married Mary, daughter of Oliver, was a man of more than average ability, and occupied a prominent position for many years in the County of Grenville. He had no children, but adopted Charles, a son of Chapman. William died at the age of seventy-eight; his wife, still living, is considerably over eighty.

Samuel Pennock [1792- son of Philamon] married Catherine Coleman, sister of the late Richard Coleman. During his early life Samuel taught school. . .Settling in Brockville, Samuel became known as a staunch Liberal, and as such met with persecution, removed to New York State, visited England and finally settled at Consecon, dying at the age of seventy-two. . .

Philomon [Pennock] is now deceased. Philomon (second) acted for thirty-two years as Township Clerk of Augusta, was a Justice of the Peace, and acted as Recording Steward of the W. M. Church, Augusta Circuit, for eighteen years At one time, he was strongly urged by the Liberals of Grenville to contest that constituency, but at the nomination retired in favor of Samuel Norton, who was elected. He afterwards entered the Civil Service, serving in the Post Office Department, in which service he died. He was an ardent Liberal, and at the time of his death held the rank of major.

Chapman and William Pennock served in the War of 1812, while Philomon, being a boy, acted as teamster in conveying government stores.

Philomon and Alvah drew land as UEL Loyalists, but none of the children, though clearly entitled to do so. The grant was made and registered in the public records, but in consequence of a malicious statement made by an enemy, a pen was drawn through the names. Subsequently, Sir Allan McNab, as well as Sir Francis Hincks, acknowledged the injustice which had been done, but thought it unwise to open the question, fearing many applications which might embarrass the administration.

Oliver Pennock was one of the first settlers in South Crosby; his remains were among the first interred in the Elgin Cemetery.

Aaron Pennock served in the War of 1812 ; he died at the residence of his son-in-law, Ephraim Lee, near Lyn, aged 94 years.

Philomon Pennock, of Elgin, has furnished the following anecdotes:

At one time, Chapman Pennock and a relative, Henry Herrick, were passing through the woods, when they came upon two young bears; Pennock ran after them, and soon had them up a tree. At this juncture, the old bear made her appearance. Herrick took to his heels, but Pennock faced his antagonist, which at once rose on his hind legs and attempted to embrace him. Taking his hat off, he struck the bear in the face, at the same time shouting and backing up, not forgetting to dodge the blows from the bears paws; Herrick, who had reached a place of safety, at the same time shouting, "Run, Chapman, run!" The bear, becoming frightened, decamped, just as Pennock fell back wards over some brush. Herrick ran to the house, brought a gun, and the cubs were shot. . .

Chapman Pennock was the first Town Clerk of South Crosby; appointed in 1814, he held the office for about twenty years. When teaching in the Township, his school was attended by the late Jesse Belong. Chapman's family: Samuel, Charles, Arthur D., Alice, Henry, Prosper, Philomon, Char lotte, John, William, James. Isaac, and Stirling.

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©Roberta Tuller 2019
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