United Empire Loyalists were Americans who remained loyal to King George III and the British Empire. They moved to Canada after the American Revolution.
Jeremiah Mallory was born about 1771 in Fairfield County, Connecticut. He was the son of Enoch Mallory.
Enoch Mallory and his sons, Jeremiah and Elisha, supported the British in the American Revolution and were members of Jessup's Loyal Rangers. Elisha and Jeremiah were drummers.
Jeremiah was brought to Ontario in 1783 by his father.
He married his cousin, Mary Polly Mallory, daughter of Nathaniel Mallory.
Thomas Mallory (1793),
Lucinda (or Lorinda) Mallory (1795), Elisha Mallory (1797),
Huldah Mallory (1799, married Thomas Kenyon),
David Mallory (1808),
Henry Mallory (1810, married Emeline Griffin and Phebe Comstock),
Mercy Mallory (1812, married Edward S. Thomas), and
Catherine Mallory (1816, married Libeous Philip Wickware).
On December 13, 1820, Jeremiah petitioned for the 100 acres he was entitled to because of his service.
Jeremiah died in 1836.
Fairfield County, Connecticut originally consisted of the towns of Rye, Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk, Fairfield, and Stratford. Woodbury (1673) , Danbury (1687), Ridgefield (1709), Newtown (1711), and New Fairfield (1740) were added later. In 1751, part of Woodbury was included in Litchfield County.
George III ruled Great Britain from
October 25, 1760 to
January 29, 1820.
Johnstown District and for the District of Johnstown on Tuesday the eighteenth day of February in the Forty-sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third
Wing Walker, Joseph Randolph, and Jonathan Dunham each acknowledge to owe to Our Sovereign Lord the King the sum of forty pounds, upon condition that they respectively appear at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol delivery to be holden in the said District and give evidence against Thomas Mallory and Adam Hetchel, then this recognizance to be void otherwise to remain in full force...
To the maintenance of Thomas Mallory from the 25th of December to the 19th February--8 weeks....Ordered that the Treasurer pay Michael Cook Gaoler the amount of the above account being six pounds seventeen shillings and six pence Currency.
Ordered that William Fraser , Sheriff , do receive from the Treasurer of the District the sum of thirty-five shillings for extraordinary Trouble and expence in apprehending Thomas Mallory, William Anderson and Adam Hetchel.....
John Harnden late of Augusta in said District, Carpenter, because he came not now here to give evidence on the behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King, against Thomas Mallory and Adam Hetchel in a case of fraud and misdemeanor, as by a certain recognizance taken before Richard Arnold Esquire, one of the Justices of Our said Lord the King he undertook on the twenty third day of December last, he has forfeited the sum of ten pounds to the use of our said Sovereign Lord the King.
Abner Boroughs late of Augusta in said District, Blacksmith, because he came not now here to give evidence on the behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King, against Thomas Mallory and Adam Hetchel in a case of fraud and misdemeanor, as by a certain recognizance taken before Richard Aarnold Esquire one of the Justices of our said Lord the King he undertook on the twenty third day of December last, he has forfeited the sum of ten pounds to the use of our said Sovereign Lord the King.
...The Treasurer is hereby Ordered to pay Michael Cook the sum of six pounds ten shillings Currency for thirteen weeks Board of Thomas Mallory and Adam Hetchel prisoners in the Gaol of Johnstown.
To His Excellency the Governor in council: The Petition of Jeremiah Mallory
Drummer in Major Jessup's Corps
most humbly sheweth
That your petitioner was one of the first settlers of this District and that he has not received but two hundred acres of land, he therefore prays that such an additional quantity may be granted him as he shall be considered entitled to, and your petitioner in duty bound shall ever pray.
Jeremiah Mallory
May 1790
Per attachment:
Admitted to 200 acres bounty
Claims from War of 1812 Statement of the losses sustained by Jeremiah Mallory of the Township of Yonge, during the war between the United States and Great Britain by His Majesty's troops in the march to and from Kingston.
On the 23rd of December 1813 a detachment of soldiers and American prisoners to the number of about 200 men stayed at my house in Yonge all night when my windows were broken, my pork, butter, clothes etc stolen, I am entitled to ?
June 1st 1814. For a large canoe taken from me which cost ??
September 3, 1814? a detachment of about 100 soldiers stayed at my house all night, robbed my orchard of 50 bushels ?? of apples.
On the night of the same September 3 1814 the said soldiers destroyed and then burnt? one ton of hay belonging to me, valued at ?
Oct 11th 1814 a detatchment of troops remained one night at my house and robbed me of about 20 bushels of potatoes.
William Andress
in support of Jeremiah Mallory:
District of Johnstown County of Leeds
Jeremiah Mallory of Yonge maketh oath and saith that the account of losses sustained by him during the late war between the United States of America and Great Britain, as made out on the other page, the amount of which at forty six pounds six shillings of lawful money of Upper Canada is just & true to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Sworn before me at Brockville
this 25th day of Sept 1815
Jeremiah Mallory
Dan Jones J.P.
District of Johnstown County of Leeds
William Andress of Yonge
maketh oath and that he assisted Jeremiah Mallory in making a large canoe. which canoe was afterwards stolen from the said Mallory. The deponent believes the canoe to have been worth more than three pounds and this deponent further saith that he believes that said Jeremiah Mallory has lost a large quantity of apples and potatoes by the soldiers of His Majesty, and that he also believes the troops of His Majesty have destroyed more than a ton of hay belonging both son? & MallorySworn before me this 25th day of September 1815. His affidavit having been first read to the deponent.
Dan Jones J.P.
William Andress
X his mark
Amount brought forwarded-----
For 10 ? towels? at -- each stolen from me by His Majesty's troops
For table cloths, blankets, pillow cases, sheets, some ?, spoons, knives & forks, to the value of about ---stolen as above
5 axes stolen as above at ?? each
A large tea kettle stolen
??1815 a party of soldiers passing through stayed all night at my house and stole and from me about 50 pounds of pork
at ? per pound
A detatchment of stopped at my house, broke into my barn and took away ??
Yet another time two large chickens? were taken from me by the King's ? value -----
In the War of 1812 (1812-1815) the United States declared war on England because of trade restrictions, impressment, and British support for Indian attacks. They signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814 after reaching a stalemate.
25 September 1815
Jeremiah Mallory
Statement of David Mallory
District of Johnstown County of Leeds
David Mallory of Yonge in the said District, yeoman, maketh oath and saith that he was at the house of Jeremiah Mallory in Yonge aforesaid
on the night of the 23 of December 1813 when a detachment of soldiers together with about one hundred seventy five prisoners ?? the night and that the deponent was informed by the said Jeremiah Mallory on the following morning that he had lost a quantity of pork, butter, and clothes taken as he said by the said troops & prisoners ; and this deponent further saith that at other times he had been advised of destroying hay of the said Jeremiah Mallory by making beds of it and the deponent believes that the said Jeremiah Mallory has lost at least a ton of hay in each summer by the troops of His Majesty.
Sworn before me this 25th day of Sept. 1815
David Mallory
Dan Jones J.P.
County of Leeds District of Johnstown
David Mallory in another oath above affidavit further saith that he has frequently seen soldiers taking apples from the orchard of Jeremiah Mallory and that it is his opinion that the said Jeremiah Mallory has lost by the soldiers at least 50 bushels of apples .
Sworn before me
this 25th day of September 1815
David Mallory
Dan Jones J.P.