
An American Family History

The Botsford Family of Leeds County, Ontario


Rufus Botsford

He was in the 1805 assessment of Yonge.


On February 7, 1813, the American army raided Elizabethtown (present day Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario). The Americans crossed the frozen St. Lawrence River and seized equipment, freed American prisoners, and captured Canadian men.

Alanson Botsford was born in Brookfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut about 1785.

Alanson married Catherine Mott. They lived in Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario.

Gershom Botsford (1804),
Francis A. Botsford (1806, married Mary Pennock),
Joel Botsford (1809),
Warren J. Botsford (1814, married Britanne Billings),
Chandler "Chauncy" Botsford (1821, married Charlotte Palmer, daughter of Abner Palmer and Polly Wing),
Melissa Botsford (1824).

In 1810, Alanson Botsford, bought land from Gardiner Lee. The indenture was dated June 10, 1810. The land was in the front half of lot number 33 in the fifth concession of Elizabethtown Township. The sale was witnessed by Samuel Lee of Yonge Township and Asahel Frye, Jr.

Alanson served in Captain Adiel Sherwood's Company in the 1st Leeds Militia during the War of 1812.

Trespass & Assault: Lansing Botsford [&] Garshom Botsford . . .The Jury find the Defts not Guilty. (from Johnstown District/Leeds and Grenville Court of General Sessions of the Peace, 1800-1834)

Alanson died about 1824.

On the 14th of May, 1834, Warren Botsford applied for a grocer s license. The request was not granted, as Mr. Botsford was under age. (from History of Leeds and Grenville Ontario)

After his death Catherine married Zenos Orton.

In the War of 1812 (1812-1815) the United States declared war on England because of trade restrictions, impressment, and British support for Indian attacks. They signed the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814 after reaching a stalemate.


Henry Botsford was born in 1801.

He married Margaret Lasher.

Laura Botsford (1837, married William Kyes),



Brockville, Ontario was called Elizabethtown. The area was first settled by English speakers in 1785, when Americans who had remained loyal to the crown fled to Canada after the American Revolution.



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©Roberta Tuller 2025
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