
An American Family History

Elihu Beach


Elihu Beach was born about 1764.

Elihu Beach married Sally Cooper in 1788.

Charles Rollin Beach (1789),
Chauncey Beach (1793),
Jabez Beach (1796),
Sally Beach (1799).

Elihu Beach married Hepheibak Smead in 1788.

Phileman Beach (1802)
Enos Beach (1803)
Laura Beach (1804)
Elihu Boyington Beach (1806)
Lorenzo Willard Beach (1809)
Albert Beach (1812)
Teresa Beach (1815), and
Polly Beach (1817).

The family moved to Canada in 1811.



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from The Beach Family Journal, Spring, 2003

The Beach Family Magazine, Vol. II, No. 1, p. 115, essentially "loses track" of Elihu Beach 5 , Elihu 4 , Nathan 3 , Thomas 2 , John1. While it claims he was "the first white child born in the town of Waterbury, Vt." and suggests he served in the Revolution, nothing is said of any marriage or children.

Thankfully, Mahlon W. Beach's Beach In Canada, pp. 187-192, devotes an entire chapter to this man who apparently settled at Elizabethtown, Leeds County, Ontario, in 1811, only to flee back to New York at the start of the War of 1812. Of particular interest are the reminisces of Alvira Robinson Bell - a great-granddaughter of Elihu Beach 5 - originally published in the St. Lawrence Plaindealer, Canton, New York, on Feb 10th and 17th, 1942.

These show that Elihu Beach 5 married first, Sep 29, 1788, Sally Cooper, who bore him four children, i.e.,

(i) Charles Rollin Beach 6 , b. Aug 7, 1789;
(ii) Chauncey Beach 6 , b. Aug 11, 1793;
(iii) Jabez Beach 6 , b. Jun 1, 1796; and
(iv) Sally Beach 6 , b. Feb 7, 1799.

Although not expressly stated, we assume all of these children were born in Vermont, since - as noted - Elihu Beach 5 did not remove to Canada until 1811. Following the death of Sally Cooper on Mar 1 1, 1799,

Elihu Beach 5 married second, Apr 22, 1800, Hepheibak Smead, born Sep 1, 1777. To this union were born eight more children, i.e.

(v) Phileman Beach 6 , b. Jan 16, 1802; d. Dec 11, 1802;
(vi) Enos Beach 6 , b. Feb 16, 1803;
(vii) Laura Beach 6 , b. Dec 1, 1804; d. Feb 11, 1830;
(viii) Elihu Boyington Beach 6 , b. Aug 17, 1806;
(ix) Lorenzo Willard Beach 6 , b. Apr 29, 1809;
(x) Albert Beach 6 , b. Sep 16, 1812;
(xi) Teresa Beach 6 , b. Jan 19, 1815; and
(xii) Polly Beach 6 , b. Aug 28, 1817.

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©Roberta Tuller 2024
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