
An American Family History

Mary Douglas Wilson

Alternate spellings of Douglas: Dougals, Doughlass, Douglace, Douglass, Dougless, Douglasse, Dowglas, Dowglass, Duglas, Duglass
The first European settlements in Maryland were made in 1634 when English settlers created a permanent colony.

Mary Douglas Wilson was born about 1718 at Bowles Plantation in Charles County, Maryland. Her parents were Captain Benjamin Douglas and Elizabeth Land.

When she was about 22, she married Robert Wilson on April 1, 1740, in Charles County, Maryland. Their children and life together are described in detail in the section on Robert and Mary Wilson.

In 1743, she was mentioned in her father's will as Mary Wilson and received a part of his personal property.

Mary died June 27, 1790 in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Bowles Plantation (Bowls, Bowlesley) was a plantation on the Potomac River near Pickawaxon Creek in Charles County, Maryland.
Sarah Bonner inherited it from
William Bowles who had inherited it from his father
Edward Bowles. Sarah left it to her son,
Joseph Douglas.
Estate inventories give us a glance into the home life of Colonial Americans.


Colonial Maryland
Colonial New England
Colonial Virginia & West Virginia
Quakers & Mennonites
New Jersey Baptists
German Lutherans
Watauga Settlement
Pennsylvania Pioneers
Midwest Pioneers
Jewish Immigrants

©Roberta Tuller 2025
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